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Posts posted by NAVY

  1. 1 hour ago, kevwun said:

    Another great question is why do keep coming back to this website?

    Why do we always come here? 

    I’d really like to know 

    Because it’s like some kind of torture 

    to have to watch this show 


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  2. 9 hours ago, blacklab said:

    A few months before I got on the Baton Rouge they pulled into some shithole in the Caribbean. 2/3 of the crew were off the boat getting drunk when a storm approached that the captain decided he'd rather be under the ocean for rather than tied up to a shitty pier. So they ran around the island getting everyone, missed several and got ready to head out. Watch stations were determined in a "how much have you drank" draft. How much have you had? 3 beers? take AEA. 8 long island iced teas? go to bed. 7 beers? phone talker in maneuvering. 

    Have also gotten underway too quick. All hands announcement: there will be zero maintenance today. None. Don’t wreck our shit and sober up you wonderful savages 


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  3. Moscow wasn’t Prigozhin’s target today. He sent, what, 8 vehicles? No. He whipped up all this attention and then stated that preventing needless Russian deaths was more important. That’s the opposite of current RU military leadership. Next, he heads back to the southern RU army command at Rostov. 

    Prigozhin’s target was ownership of RU forces in Ukraine. Those guys in the trenches will welcome anyone that gives them hope of survival.

    He just grew his army by x-fold. 

    Now that’s a force that could take Moscow in the near future. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
  4. Just now, Basil said:

    Rookie question: why doesn’t Putin have some bombers or cruise missiles tucked away sufficient to blow up a column 100x over? I’d think Progle’s column would look like the highway of death shortly after it started advancing.

    Sure he does. However Military morale is so low it’s doubtful anyone would execute those orders 

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  5. 42 minutes ago, Hookah Horns said:

    It's bullshit they didn't even take his passport or forbid him leaving the country. The asshole owns a fucking jet. It's not inconceivable that he just flees. 

    You won’t find him hiding in an Iraqi spider hole

    You won’t find him in a Libyan drain pipe

    You will find him in a Riyadh McDonalds  

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