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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. Ding dang singer ding dang ol sung that thar dinger
  2. If ever there was a time for boaty mcBoatFace II https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/01/americas/venezuela-essequibo-referendum-guyana-intl/index.html
  3. Damnation Alley had a way better stainless steel end-of-times whip
  4. What’s going on with that eye?
  5. Chomp chomp!!
  6. Fuck all of Oklahoma
  7. Oddly specific
  8. Be sure to wink at aggy tomorrow. Their night sweats are just gonna get worse
  9. Maybe tech and Baylor can dirt fuck the pain away
  10. I think I might have to make a donation. I am very entertained
  11. This is a cum stain tech will never be able to hide
  12. Texas has figured out how to put the foot on the throat.
  13. Pour on the humiliation! More more more !
  14. This is the best Texas alum feeling in years
  15. Créeme brûlée
  16. Complete humiliation. Hope Crabtree is crying somewhere
  17. Tech is going to remember the flavor of Texas’ dick for a lonngggg time
  18. That is super creepy. id probably post on surly
  19. In before classics
  20. Seconded
  21. Never turned down a cookie, never will Needs more trash
  22. Please football god let Texas just humiliate these sand trash fucks.
  23. … God’s work sir
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