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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. Pour on the humiliation! More more more !
  2. This is the best Texas alum feeling in years
  3. Créeme brûlée
  4. Complete humiliation. Hope Crabtree is crying somewhere
  5. Tech is going to remember the flavor of Texas’ dick for a lonngggg time
  6. That is super creepy. id probably post on surly
  7. In before classics
  8. Seconded
  9. Never turned down a cookie, never will Needs more trash
  10. Please football god let Texas just humiliate these sand trash fucks.
  11. … God’s work sir
  12. That’s how you open a half! Sesame street porn and touchdowns!
  13. Son of a bitch. i’ll be in my rack
  14. God damn it Bert. Control your urges!
  15. Not if Cookie Monster has something to say about it !
  16. I never thought about it but I guess there are Burt freaks out there. And they look down upon the Ernie freaks.
  17. This is the greatest post in the history of the internets
  18. This defense is making me hard
  19. Go on
  20. Them refs using x-rays to try and overturn this
  21. That screen was sexy as fuck
  22. Good to see you Tor
  23. Techs best play is holding Y banana
  24. How was that holding more obvious than all the other holdings ?
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