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Posts posted by NAVY

  1. Spent the day at Space Center Houston. I’d been before maybe 20 years ago. Still super nerdy cool. The retired Mission Control (1950 - 1995) has been restored to its 1970 Apollo state. The whole room looks like the staff just went to lunch. There is a 10 minute simulation of the first moon landing. Absolutely bad ass. 

    zoom in for cigarettes 

    I had a great time and my kid had a great time. 



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  2. 3 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    My schtick in stress situations was to approach cops calmly and try to Jedi mind trick them.

    Such as asking for directions when spotted driving the wrong way up a one-way street.

    Works all the time 60% of the time.

    There was a joint on revolution Blvd that had a sand volley court on the roof of their bar. Played late into the night every weekend. Left the building one night right into the middle of a street fight. No Jedi opportunity yo. People getting clubbed left and right. Old west running retreat back to the boarder. Lol. I sobered up at a Denny’s on roscranans before heading to balboa hospital. Got a pain pill after arm was reset. Solid 48 hours ouch. 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, SL Xpress said:

    Yeah, I don’t know your full story, but I do know no one talks to sailors about the consequences of not making it through the training cycle of the rating you pick at MEPS. Doesn’t matter if it’s BUDS, EOD, Nuke, crypto, what have you. Once you’re out of that track, there’s no telling where you’re going to go. Doesn’t mean you end up a boatswain mate swabbing decks - but it doesn’t mean you won’t, either. Of course, a lot of what I know is outdated, but the military is still the military. Those billets aren’t going to fill themselves. 

    I hear you.  I was top of class brainwise. Choose your orders top of class. Got good orders even with a bad arm. Stayed in SD with a cool rate and nick name Lefty. 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, SL Xpress said:

    I tried to convince my godson to go EOD. He was a high level freestyle competitor in high school and AAU and a black belt in jujitsu. His Mom basically bribed him with a new car and a big monthly stipend not to do it. Scared her baby was going to die in war. Which, fair point. Although an EOD rating wasn't going to be in the same kind of path of danger as other military occupations over the last 10 years. At the time I had an in with a Navy recruiter.

    The big problem with SEALs is that they use it in part to get a ton of guys in knowing the numbers say they won't make it through training, then they can fill Navy needs with them in just about any way they want to. While EXTREMELY rigorous, EOD training simply doesn't have the significant dropout rate of BUDS, so you're a lot less likely to end up as a striker. It's highly prestigious, and a great community. 

    SEAL BUDS and Navy diver phase 1 (whatever that’s called) trained in the same area south of Coronado. Visiting diver pals I’d see the SEAL training up close. They were clearly having the worst day of their lives both physically and mentally. (Worst day so far . Jpg ) 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Scheiss Meister said:

    Most likely just recovery vessels to look for and recover the drone pieces.  Maybe a couple of small escorts, too.  They'll need divers.  Aren't SEALs divers?

    I played a lot of 2 man vball with Navy divers in San Diego. Super cool group. Extremely well trained minus the SEAL ultra-violence 

    was pretty jealous of their job really 

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