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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. You’re an idiot
  2. We should totally keep running the ball on first down since they are selling out to stop the run
  3. Dicks, eat ‘em OU
  4. That shoulds be more empty
  5. Let’s fucking go!!
  6. Yay! Let’s field the ball on the 5! Whoooo hoooo the fuck
  7. Oh look holding again
  8. Este horns been dominating the second half this season
  9. Dear aggy, your daddy is going in dry mañana. Hahahaha assholes
  10. Married male pattern deafness. Solid strategy
  11. US Navy’s biggest piles of treacherous shit. Until now. Fuck the walkers training has been a mainstay. Then this fuck https://news.usni.org/2014/09/02/john-walker-spy-ring-u-s-navys-biggest-betrayal
  12. ASW is hard enough already asshole. Shut your fucking mouth. Us military losers and suckers have real life work to do. Fuck you traitor piece of shit.
  13. Aaaaaannnndd he did it https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna118112
  14. Water drips down from greater Canadia. Gravity and whatnot
  15. Just wait until he finds out about magnets
  16. 9ers looking like a powerhouse
  17. NAVY

    Getting old sucks

  18. You can tell by the pixels he was trying to grab Hook’em’s ass and lost his balance
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