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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. Courage, honor, integrity and intelligence: I teach at Texas. Ya feel me? We got work to do
  2. Pull your shit together home slices. Journey to dipshit-vil
  3. Choose your fighter! Behold, the talented and beautiful Emma Stone
  4. I’ve been laughing solidly for 2 minutes, so far
  5. They’ll rebrand them Commemorative Trump and Friends Tapes. Buy the whole set! And then place them next to the other Trump stuff, like coffee table book and of course Trump bible.
  6. See how differently we deal with stress than Trump?
  7. That’s an odd way of dealing with getting fired. Maybe he needs to tan his sack more
  8. The country has never seen such a gullible sack of shit. The most full sack in our history. With shit. People tell me all the time, Sir, where do you get your shit? It’s the best shit we’ve ever seen. Just fill your pants and the people will love it
  9. Great read unless you find California frightening. Boo! https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/billionaire-owners-wapo-la-times-19877875.php
  10. … and this chair, that’s all this thread needs
  11. Supreme Court judges also love this. No tax on their gratuities
  12. Back to big boy jail you fucking bottom. 2 weeks! Big boy jail
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