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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. Lolf. I must have missed this. That can looks like it got him good. Hahahahhah
  2. Actual crisis: fuck that, I’m out. Haha photo time Pretend, 12 oz beverage crisis: on it Chief Such a piece of shit
  3. NAVY

    Austin FC

    Unbelievable! Goooaaaaaallll!!!!!
  4. NAVY

    Austin FC

    So close so many times tonight
  5. Very dusty in the Mueller Alamo. Great fucking flick
  6. The psychological blow to Russia when they lose Bakhmut rapidly should be fun to watch This could could even be the ‘condition’ that triggers the counteroffensive countdown
  7. Watching Step Brothers and wife asks “ have you ever said what the fucking fuck”? well yeah, I was in the Navy. I’ve pretty much covered every permutation of fuck. And there is a bunch! what you got surly? What’s your favorite fucking phrase you fuckers?
  8. I was finishing watching the Beastie Boys Story on Apple TV yesterday I say finishing because I started watching the 2 hour show about 3 years ago. It hurt to miss MCA so I watched in short chunks. Anyhow, one of the surviving beastie boys was defending himself. How do you go from party frat boy too a champion of the needy? Welp Ad Rock says “ I'd rather be a hypocrite than the same person forever." Me fucking too. Be dynamic damn it. If you bleed orange, Jesus, just help your fucking neighbor. DeSantis is the opposite of the values I picked up on the 40. Plus he’s a fucking weirdo and an idiot. I have no respect for this Florida governor. None
  9. RU builds “super” weapons that end up having crucial exhaust port design flaws that any idiot with experience in bulls-eye-ing roughly 2-meter sized womp rats will easily exploit I feel like I’ve seen this
  10. That’s fucking gross. The blue birds are a nice touch doe
  11. Spit my coffee out on this one
  12. AHB bringing it with eloquence. Much love for the thorough examination sir
  13. Great writing. "Maybe" should be change to "defiantly" a coordinator. Much love sir. See you on the other side.
  14. I'll say it more directly this time. Abbott is a pile of shit. That's my opinion. I wish he was someone all texans can look up too despite sides in an argument. Someone that could elevate ethically on issues, but that's not part of his skill set. This dominion thing, and Texas doesn't even do business with em, is just glomming onto some make believe first amendment crisis. Poor little tucker! No one understands. The reality is that being full of shit in the court system just cost Fox ~750 million. So Abbott fan, where is the upside? I'm open minded. What does Abbott provide that secures your vote? PS: I'm not calling out anyone specifically. Neg if you want but kinda cool to just debate yo. What you got? Hook em
  15. State so big with a leadership bar so low
  16. Fucking Illinois Nazis. Missing the bridge scene doe
  17. Strike that. I can remember…
  18. I can’t remember the last time a texas governor wasn’t an embarrassing pile of shit
  19. So you’re wondering what air defense doing
  20. How exciting for them. Definitely won’t be roped into fighting a war.
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