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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. Tap on the shoulder is PI?! Fuck these hos
  2. 5 hours in on a 8 hour pot roast. Let’s go horns!
  3. ASU is fun to watch and really fucking good
  4. Skattebo’s mom has a huge rack.
  5. Also it’s very likely that Jesus hates them with all of his ultra power. they made a religion about him later on. They say
  6. Ohio State sucks, so I hope everything turns out horrible for them them
  7. List of songs https://www.ign.com/wikis/grand-theft-auto-san-andreas/Radio_Stations_and_Song_List
  8. Bwahahahahah https://cfbnewsnow.com/texas-am-alum-launches-immersive-virtual-reality-facility-where-aggies-can-experience-win-over-texas-sec-success/
  9. The pardon from hell! Does he get his laptop back?
  10. OMG. That is a spectacular bookend
  11. Wait. Whut? Splain that bottom bit Boom
  12. This is why I tell my kid: Don't start running away from problems or you’ll always be run away from problems
  13. Is that a conflict of interest? Getting paid by both teams…
  14. Fifty percent of the time I works every time
  15. Wtf Houston
  16. Same but different but same
  17. Those eyes speak: Oh shit. I fucked up and got a real job. Now what?
  18. So now we know what SEC night games are like
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