Way too early in the season with only two games under our belt and a RB room that is only going to shrink as the season wears on, but I'm getting tingly feelings about this team I haven't had in like ..16 years or so? Actually better than 16 years ago, but I can't quite go back 20 years to 04-05, but not too far away from that either. A long season still ahead, and longest ever unless shit goes really sideways, but I'm liking what I've seen so far. I knew the offense *should* be a WMD this season based on returning players+quality transfers, but so far they've wildly exceeded expectations. Our defense is also seems improved in spite of losing our interior beef and a veteran LB, who knew passes could actually be defended instead of simply tackling the receiver after they catch the ball? Run defense is still a work in progress. As in either feast or famine..stop the runner for little or no gain, or let them rip off a 10+ yarder. I think if we figure that part out and our young DB's mixed with older experienced players start to mesh we'll be fine in stopping most teams from outscoring us, if not dominant on D. I dunno man, anyone else getting the feeling this team is different than any we've had in recent years? And yes, that includes last year's lineup that ultimately had 11 NFL players.