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  1. ADHD

    Fuck you all

    Now you can ban me.
  2. ADHD

    Fuck you all

  3. ^ this is how to do art.
  4. The disappear.
  5. Voices, they disappear.
  6. The Bush Administration did 911 and global warming is the result. And this is the only thing which matters. You're not allowed to tell people this, they'll make you disappear if you do. It is the truth. And for goodness sake, tell the truth.
  7. Wonder Woman.
  8. Bad daddy.
  9. Mommy.
  10. Yeah. If only (you) people could do likewise w DJT. It's a national emergency and 🦋 effect.
  11. I need my goddamn Adderall. I have a brain injury. And Adderall absolutely works. And these right wing Christian fucks have denied me this because it also has the side effect of pleasure. Btw, Donald should stop snorting his Adderall. It doesn't work that way. Swallow it whole. And then masturbate to Katy Perry.
  12. Also I took too much fish oil.
  13. I have multiple injuries and this guy wants to take away my health care and food. He's trying to murder me. And so in the face of that, I joke about tacos. And mourn quietly the death of my body and the demise of the world's soul.
  14. This shit accomplishes nothing. Same thoughts recycled into a fucking wall. None of you people apparently work. I'm disabled. Weird and dumb. Are you??
  15. Why is that you cannot just ignore me? Who the fuck are you to think your thoughts.
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