The wall is logistically impossible, Texas ranchers would never allow it (they'd go Bundy militia apeshit), there would be law suits clogging the fuck out of the courts and Texas construction would nose dive without the slave labor they purposefully lobby for and import.
Texas, Arizona and San Diego/Orange County are all conservative, as is virtually every state and county around them and they have done NOTHING to stop or stem the tide of illegals. In point of fact, CONSERVATIVES not liberals are almost wholly responsible for illegal immigration.
Chrispy is fucking responsible for it. Not me. And ever santa wonderland mall, airport and cul de sac house he goes to was built by them.
They propped up the economy you could sell your crap company in and retire easily in. Illegal low tech and liberal hi tech.
Otherwise you'd be a fucking truck driver in Arkansas, which is the mentality you share.
You pay for the fucking wall, Chrispy. You fucking benefited from it. As did the GOP politicians resoinsible for all the border insecurity -- see global warming etc.
Fuck you, you ignorant "dad".
Your kids will probably grow up to be libtards. Unless you smother them in guns, bibles and bigotry.
They'll probably vote right along with the Chicano illegals you fear so much.