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Everything posted by ADHD

  1. ^ that's the mind of the President of The United States of America. The leader of the Free world.
  2. Build The Wall > Finish The Wall > Build / Finish the Steel Slats > Lock her up! > Witch Hunt! > Little Nancy Shumer > Sad.
  3. ADHD

    Major vs West Point

    Houston has a terrible defense even with Oliver. On Offense the QB was everything. So Major has his work cut out for him as Army almost beat OU. Howver ... Major beat OU . (I'm doing hype for this game)
  4. I'd rather have Penders go for a 100 (and free tacos) then see abuncha skinny millennials slap a floor.
  5. ADHD

    Major vs West Point

    Yes. Take off your giant puffy coat, bitch! This game will be a true test of his wunderkindness.
  6. I'm like Eric Andre. At parties.
  7. ADHD

    Major vs West Point

    I swear they arranged this game because his name was Major. Anway: The United States Army is going down.
  8. Go Major!
  9. Coach S is over.
  10. Hit me up on Grindr.
  11. Fox News and Trump world don't have real money. In fact everything diametrically opposed to that, which is 99.999% of the world, has the real money. It's good business to market to the world outside of Trump. That world is made of money.
  12. ADHD

    Sam Ehlinger

    Fuck Georgia in the face.
  13. You know, is it possible he's altered his coaching style for these mic'd up segments. You gotta treat things like Herman does -- get this mic out of my face. I'm coaching here!
  14. I don't even watch college basketball anymore. It seems to have lost a toughness.
  15. Patriotism is opposition to Trump. It's as simple as that.
  16. Shouting down Republicans are part of this. They must be made to understand this is not right vs left anymore. This is a referendum on whether or not America is still America. Make America Great Again is a scam! A scam cooked up by laughing Russians .
  17. And all this attention to this fucking wall is concealing what is happening to us militarily. Apropos of Putin, MSB, Turkey, ISIS etc... People are gonna die because of Trump's narcissistic stunts. Same way his nationalistic clap trap immediately led to a mass murder in Pittsburgh. He simply does not care about other humans. He does not care that a little girl dies in custody, or that gutting Obamacare and food stamps will wreak havoc on the poor, or that his tariffs are bankrupting farmers, or that global warming will kill people world wide, or that the California fires will/did, or that poison water will cause cancer etc etc This is a disgraceful presidency. He is unfit. Dangerous. Reckless. Fucking evil. Get his ass out of office before we're fucking Ukraine.
  18. This is a passive aggressive quit coup.
  19. They won't get in the tournament.
  20. The reason we MUST remove Trump is because Fox News and RT are fucking running this country. This is not a democracy. This is a country ruled by propaganda. We've got to remove him and safeguard our elections. Hillary was right -- democracy itself (world wide) is at stake here. Bannon is overseas stirring up white nationalism everywhere. Refugees are probably being thrashed about on purpose for a destabilizing effect. Our military and our FBI is under attack by Trump and a deferential GOP. This shit is no joke .
  21. "Trump is OURS again"
  22. You're not kidding. Make East Germany Again. (#MEGA)
  23. It's definitely a distraction to conceal the implosion occuring in American foreign policy.
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