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Everything posted by ADHD

  1. Kinda of like being a Jew in Nazi Germany. Or a gay in Nazi Germany. If you're a conservative in modern America you get to be rich (just for talking), and even president (quite easily!). So yes, Benjamin, it's the same thing.
  2. He should be tied to razor wire and left for dead. Also, he can't marry nor date. And he should be thrown out of his house and have no rights protected.
  3. I'm thinking they should do this more now. Let's have the 4 of them haggle over his every tweet. Also show him tweeting in real time.
  4. Pelosi negotiating with Pence is the future anyway. Trump is going down and Schumer is unnecessary.
  5. Was that real?? Is today real??
  6. Is this real? This is the same patterned response Trump gives when he burns his people, so this is a parody of Trump right.
  7. What the hell is this !?
  8. Why does he want a real wall?? Just lie about it via tweet. I should be his COS.
  9. The 3 of em = Icy hot stuntaz.
  10. It was a fascinating stunt but the 2 politically wise Dems just destroyed it -- for the podium messaging afterwards. And re "stunt" I mean both the meeting as stunt, and the wall too.
  11. Trump and Schumer cancelled each other out. Pence didn't say a word. Only winners were Pelosi and the boom mic guy.
  12. My goodness. They argued like message board posters.
  13. They can pay for the pepper spray. They've got peppers. Probably have leaf blowers. Load em up and shoot your kids in the face, and pay for it. What a deal.
  14. We've turned away Dora the Explorer with a wall of tear gas. That's all it took. Everybody's safe! Yay.
  15. Cool. Caravan over!
  16. Hint: it's a robot indistinguishable from humans.
  17. 2020 is Gertram Z. Fungoid. (That's a person you'll learn about next year)
  18. Actually 2018 is Mueller. 2019 is Pelosi.
  19. Hillary should take the job.
  20. Is Milo Yiannopoulos available? He's the gay version of Nick Ayers.
  21. Right after he wins Obama should sue Corsi for the entire jackpot.
  22. 350 million in damages! Haha.
  23. Good Lord he's tripling down on throwing Cohen under the bus. He's gone from I have no idea about this payment to my Lawyer misfiled.
  24. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/nation/2018/12/10/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-reveals-jewish-ancestry-hanukkah-celebration/
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