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Everything posted by ADHD

  1. She can argue circles around any Republican I've ever seen.
  2. ^ picture
  3. Monday?? Let's see what the Dow does.
  4. He's playing like he owes money to the Russian mob.
  5. Is Goff gonna crater like Bortles did.
  6. Not a gamer. Fuck uwv.
  7. Kill the fn eagles
  8. He's going to be impeached in the House.
  9. Make America 2015 again.
  10. I don't really give a shit about Trump. Just remove his dumb fat craven embarrassing ass from the oval office (along with every republican) and fix/restore America.
  11. He's scum.
  12. Yeah I didn't understand it.
  13. Lol. After tonight Jr should definitely ghost himself on Twitter.
  14. "This criminal has no business being the White House. He has no business walking freely among us. 2019 is going to be the worst year of Donald Trump's life except for all those that will follow it. These cases will be investigated further and then proven. Some may be prosecuted while he is in office. Some may wait until he leaves office. But someday this is already certain, no senior American public official--not Richard Nixon, not Andrew Johnson--will go down in more disgrace or be more reviled by history than Donald Trump. And that is as it should be." (I didn't vote for him. Lol @ those who did)
  15. Some day in the not too distant future Hillary's gonna be seated in a rocking chair sewing socks or something grinning & humming like the matrix Oracle lady while all these Trumpian super villians scream her name from their prison cells .. Will that vengeance be better than being president? Maybe so.
  16. A veritable global conspiracy. Jesus Christ, that woman scared a few dudes.
  17. I want Don Jr perp walked. I want Don Sr frog walked in that Alex Jones costume he's been wearing lately for some ungodly reason.
  18. Ha. His presidential library will literally be online. Just tweets, memes and court documents.
  19. We absolutely need to erase the last two years of unmitigated shitness.
  20. It's happening.
  21. That's it. He's fired.
  22. A - Q. Al Qeada wins???! Oh shit, Al Qeada wins.
  23. That Tweet says the Deep State is scheduled to fall on December 17th. Ssme day Tumblr removes the porn. And the answer to the "puzzle" is this: Q becomes a porn site. And as its first pornographic publication, it hosts the Pee tape. ABCDE ... PQ.
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