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Everything posted by ADHD

  1. The CIA put a microchip in my rooster.
  2. Craigslist did the same thing. And LA also essentially lost the porn industry. There is most definitely an attack on sex in the media, hand in hand with the rise of Trump and the ascension of dullness altogether. This also coincides with the rise of violent themes and realities in fiction & news.
  3. Obama literally is "over the top in ethical behavior".
  4. Ha. Trump is 45!
  5. Trump ambling around dazed. Rudy exceedingly confused. A goon appointed as AG. They know. What's coming. This is a Berlin 45 Hitler bunker meltdown. And the Russians are cool as cucumbers. Better surrender, completely, to the Americans, like Flynn and Cohen.
  6. What in the ?
  7. The FBI wins.
  8. Manafort bet wrong. And so he's going to be used as an example to Stone, Corsi and everybody else. You don't cooperate, book thrown at you. You do, easy time (Cohen) or no time (Flynn). This is boilerplate mobster whiteboard stuff. CSI America.
  9. By the end of this, the only friends Trump will have left will be his 2 boys and all the venom spewing human pipe bombs with Maga hats. Even that idiot Hannity will conjure up a reason to bail on him. Ivanka will. Fox will. Roger Stone will.
  10. Trump knows he's the target. Everybody knows this.
  11. This is a "classic Gambino style roll-up".
  12. Trump IS the Russia investigation. They stole the election.
  13. Top of the crime pyramid is Trump. Mueller can't get the Russians, so who is he trading up for? He's absolutely going after Trump. You know, maybe it's a very bad idea to be so viciously and childishly insulting to people on Twitter. Just maybe that's what takes Trump down in the end. His SHIT TALK. Hillary was right when she said "delete your account". She's not ever going to jail, ever. Trump most certainly is.
  14. "Senior government leaders should be held to the highest standards" says the memo. Ergo, the target. This is a mob takedown and the big fish is not Russia, it's Trump.
  15. Fuck Facebook and fuck "trash talk". (Also fuck OU and fuck Aggy)
  16. Cooperate and no jail time. Supercedes Trump's "shut up". Trump is the target.
  17. Anything ever.
  18. I hate kids.
  19. Sex, drugs & rock n roll. That is the life. Why the f can't we just do that. 24/7.
  20. I don't think anybody 'truly' believes in god because NOBODY acts like it. Also the Bible is the worst written book ever. Nobody really reads it, everybody pretends to and nobody understands it because it's unreadable schizophrenic Jabberwocky. Church is awful. Just awful.
  21. The Princess Bride is obnoxious. Big Lebowski is fabulous. Pulp Fiction however is crap as is Saving Private Ryan & Avatar.
  22. I wanna fuck Ivanka Trump.
  23. Texas Aggy is a buncha dumbass Americans and I will destroy all them.
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