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Everything posted by ADHD

  1. Beaver hung out with a kid named Whitey.
  2. Speaking of Alabama .. http://www.encyclopediaofalabama.org/article/h-1580 Go ahead and learn something new today. About yesterday. Check the Rosa Parks part. Make America Great Again!
  3. The 50s were VERY racist. How many black & brown people did the Beave play with????
  4. Make America Great Again is an obvious allusion to the leave it to Beaver father knows best hyper racist 50s. Which featured the very tax policy AOC is referencing. So you DON'T want that part, just the Father knows best hyper racist shit. Which = Trump. .... giving tax cuts to the rich while pandering to rapacious misogynistic white power racists celebrating a country on the brink of race war.
  5. You started a post with "no amount of tits.." blah blah blah Do you have any idea why women get offended by conservatives? You are a fucking ass.
  6. I do declare.
  7. In Texas too. Ha!
  8. Turn in your card or something. All that's left in the proud SEC is their historic victories over Purdue and NC State.
  9. Hey -- Fuck you Aggy ! Your shit board is lol for a year now .
  10. Orange teams burying the secsec.
  11. Run up the score.
  12. Shit band from School of Rock.
  13. I want a second half of F the SEC + is Bama over?
  14. Blow out Bama. End them.
  15. Eric Prince just said as a business guy running a company he desperately needed good cheap labor. People like that is exactly why this wall shit is a farce. Republicans let these people in and hired them in. chrispy should blame the Texas GOP for destroying his wife's car. After all -- who the fuck runs Texas!!?? Obama? San Francisco? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ? CNN? Hollywood??? No, the right wingers he votes for do. So fuck your car. It's your fucking fault.
  16. Rake the forrests.
  17. She's actually gorgeous and charming and Trump is a bloated furious pumpkin faced grouch. That cartoon is the reverse of reality. Trump is thoughtful and handsome and she's a raging donkey woman??? It's a ridiculing sexist histrionic hispanic caricature not unlike the Cleveland Indians mascot or a Sambo cartoon. It's racist shit and aesthetically and thematically repugnant. Trump looks like Robert Redford. And she's a rage machine??? Has this man seen that dancing video, or Trump ever! Total bullshit fuckstick hackfest garbage illustration. Not funny, not subtle and about as artistically appealing as Trump playing football or poker. He's crap.
  18. Wanna know what "works"? Nature. That's it. The ground works. A wall will literally scar, poison and destroy the earth it is built upon. It'll be an environmental disaster. Big rusting ugly steel spikes disrupting and disturbing ecologically sensitive areas. All the massive construction rubble, explosions of rock & heavy gd obnoxious traffic. Fuck. That. Stupid. Shit. It'll be hideous. A blight. A prison scape. There will be men -- white men with guns -- who will never let it actually happen.
  19. Texas will never build a fucking border wall. Ever. Ever. Ever. If Texas wanted it Texas would have it already. The border is integral to Texan identity. It's actually quite beautiful. Walls btw may stand for a long fn time, but they do not necessarily "work". Don't believe me? Remember the Alamo. Those walls didn't work.
  20. I'm gonna start calling him Chrispy Ocasio Cortez. COC for short.
  21. I'm basically saying this guy is hiding something and he's proving that. His responses are giveaways. The boy wants to come clean. #Patience.
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