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Everything posted by ADHD

  1. Right. Nobility and Feudalism. This is what America was all about. The merchant class wanted to be as privileged as the nobles, so they joined them, kind of, in America and then established a new ceiling. Vanderbilts, Rockefellers and Carnegie Mellons etc. Robber barons! Busted by The Roosevelts. How ironic. "Irish (Jews, italians, blacks, women, gays, native Americans, Hispanics, Chinese) need not apply" is what I'm talking about. And the Kennedy's were killed. Damn Catholics.
  2. They Cannot. Upward mobility has a ceiling. Did you fucking listen to anything Hillary was saying!
  3. I was Born at Harvard Yard. I know what I'm talking about. Those people pay no price for their indescretions and they're set up for life. Once you are in, you are in. It's an aristocracy. All this skull & bones shit is just a reproduction of England. "new York", "New England", I mean come on, it's obvious there is no literal democracy. Or fairness or equality. 3/5ths for gsakes! That was encoded into the Constitution. America was built by genocide and slavery. We still have slaves making all our junky products and our top industries are fuel and weapons. Outside of that, we are a service economy (lower class) bolstering mass media technology (upper & middle class) which is just military spycraft. Wall St is just fucking gambling. So I guess the alternative route is the Mafia. See the President of the United States. Before that, guy from Harvard. Before that, guy from Yale. Before that, guy from Yale (and Oxford). Btw the keypoint re AOC you need to recognize is not her dancing. It's the fact she went to Boston U. This is change! (Hillary went to Yale)
  4. It's the truth man. Sorry. I think Jesus basically said the same stuff btw. And your upward mobility shit is bullshit. Nearly every super rich person in the United States is white and male. From Harvard and Yale.
  5. ADHD

    Sam Ehlinger

    Sam Ehlinger looks just like this actor from the Melissa McCarthy movie The Life of the Party. (Luke Benward)
  6. And btw. I'm a Clinton capitalist, a huge fan of the FBI, I love Federalism, Patton was a god & I think West Point is cool af. And the perfect American is this guy: However, it's time for "the new" to take over the world. If they don't, the American Experiment and the health of the planet entire is doomed.
  7. War, what is it good for ... absolutely nothing.
  8. She secretely might. She dates Hollywood libs. What she's actually saying is "try it", and then you will be destroyed. Which is what's going on here with all this "little girl" talk. Just try it, think the rich, and you will see what happens. At some point, the rich will fall. That point will be when they can't pay anybody to protect them against those who have true moral leverage to bring them all to justice. See Mueller. See AOC. Hell, see Jesus.
  9. I mean Trump said he could murder somebody on 5th Ave. And he meant it. The rich are America's murderers. Supplying guns and bombs and wars everywhere so the world is shot to shit. AOC is RIGHT! War, what is it good for. The rich! Eat the fucking rich. Repeal and replace them.
  10. This county rewards soldiers with a lifetime of homelessness. Vs President AwOL and president Bone Spurs.
  11. What I've noticed from taking risks in America is that it rarely pays off, unless your risk feeds the status quo. The rich are inclined to steal, block and crush you. They have no incentive to allow for honest competition. The legal system is your enemy and so is the health care system. Hell the gas & oil industry stole the 2000 election fearing an alternative energy revolution and a rich boy developer backed by oligarchs just blocked a middle class white girl who had the gall to rise too high. Look what they are doing to AOC, actively trying to decimate her at every turn. America is NOT a fair playscape. 3 of the last 4 GOP candidates were born into immense wealth. What grand risks did GW, Romney & Trump take to so deserve their reward? Bullshit on the American dream. It's all bullshit. Moral hypocrisy and white collar crime reign supreme here. Not "hard work". Lol. The less money you earn the much more actual real work you do.
  12. America is still stuck in feudalism. We're all slaves and indentured servants.
  13. Dallas - W
  14. I agree
  15. Republicans never change. In fact, they hate change. Wanna put walls around things to prevent it. Do anything to prevent it, even treason.
  16. Well we just won the Sugar Bowl in year 2 in dominating fashion against a team within an eyelash (2 years running) of Bama. Which puts us on that very same stage. Anything less at this point is underachieving. In Mack Brown's 2nd year we got smoked in the Cotton Bowl.
  17. Also -- Texas plays to their competition. In fact the better the competition, the better they look. What I gather from that is they have the talent and attitude, they just don't have the depth and identity. Now, they have identity. All they lack is depth, and by next year after the new class gets hardened a little, they will not lack that. This is textbook 3 year plan stuff, and I see them either right on schedule or a little ahead. They're a top 5 team now. Yearly.
  18. Yes they will. They kicked GA's ass and frankly they looked like a team full of pros.
  19. Trump had a great day in terms of job #s and stock rebound and it is all ruined because of the duplicitious used car level salesmanship bender he's on to sell America his "Magic Wall". Miles and miles of beautiful GREAT concrete steel BORDER WALL paid for already! Very legal and very cool! Costs you nothing, saves billions, even the people dying in HOT ICE cages want it. They will be instant beneficiaries. Don't pay your rent, The Wall is coming!
  20. Donald Trump (aka "Individual 1") reenacts the toilet paper scene from The Breakfast Club.
  21. Rudy's gonna throw a fit. Also this means there is collusion. If it winded up now, given what we know, there's a legit chance there's not enough evidence to reach Trump.
  22. I'm sure all the Ruby ridge, militia camo, Bundy rancher, NRA-arsenal, Ted Nugent bow hunter, Armageddonist, Red Dawn "Wolverines!", Come & Take it types will LOVE to hear about how the military, by executive fiat, can simply take your land for vague national security reasons. In Texas??!!!!!! Lol. Alex Jones is gonna love this shit.
  23. I swear Trump has an STD eating his brain. Trump Derangement Syndrome aptly describes the obvious dementia on display when he discusses ALL topics. It's either rank propaganda poorly communicated or a "Being There"esque childlike mind trying to control the universe with his remote control TVs and Twitter time. He has a deviously empty mind filled with whiny selfishness and effusive ego like a "mine mine!" sand lot bully hanging from a flag pole via underwear wedgie and not noticing it's his imaginary friends and father's employees who both pantsed and depantsed him.
  24. Landlords will totally understand no rent for months ... He's INSANE.
  25. Because the Longhorn band played Selena during the Sugar Bowl halftime show
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