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  1. Don't I know it!
  2. So after soaking on it a while, and seeing the feature on Game Day about Charles and Casey, I realize what a fucking jerk wad I was. I was trying to make a stupid joke, it backfired, I doubled down instead of just admitting it was a total dick move. Apologies to LH nation, and to the Thompson family. I will stay away for a while and try to stop allowing a bunch of 18 year olds have such an impact on my mental health. See you all after a while. I don't know several months at least. I am just devastated right now.
  3. Wow. I've been a member here for several years. Don't post much. I thought you all had thicker skin and could take a fucking joke. Guess I was wrong. You are all a bunch of pussies. I graduated a pretty long time ago - back when Austin and the students had a, well let's just say "different" reputation. I fear the that the rumors of the town and school's culture are true. Don't worry, pussies, I won't be back. I'm done. Waaaaaa... don't neg rep me... no, not that! waaaaaa....
  4. How is a post referencing an extremely embarrassing moment in the history of our biggest rival, on the weekend we play said rival, in a thread dedicated to busting the balls of said rival -- how is that irrelevant. YOU may not like it, but go fuck yourself. How's that for relevant?
  5. What?? He was an embarrassment to their program. We bring this shit up EVERY year. His dad hasn't played in this game for more than 30 years, yet there's the picture - posted here EVERY year. Nut up buttercup.
  6. Casey... Hudson... hell, does Charles have any eligibility left??
  7. So we're down to taking oSu's (that's Okie St) rejects. Mmmmkay.
  8. Meekins?? Why?? He is in so far over his head it's not funny. Does Tom still feel lie he owes him some loyalty for delivering Ed Oliver to UH??
  9. Well they play it every time OU scores, so... yeah, they play it a LOT!
  10. Goddamn... OU D came to play.
  11. I thought it was -3
  12. 2 1/2 shots of single barrel Knob Creek, a shot of butterscotch schnapps and a few dashes of black walnut bitters.
  13. I would have been excited about a head of lettuce after Charlie.
  14. Mavs look for real this year!
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