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Posts posted by BigSwingingD

  1. 2 hours ago, sushihorn said:

    So the 12th man for aggy would throw the game for 30 pieces of silver?


    2 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    And the 12th one was Judas

    Nice work theologians. Never thought about that. Makes complete sense. 

    12th man = aggy.

    aggy betrays Texas.

    aggy = judas.

    Burn in hell aggy.

    Go Texas State!


    • Like 4
  2. 11 hours ago, Beau Vine said:


    I blew past this because of that magnificent post by Boerne Horn. I had to circle back because this has not gotten enough love. It has MASSIVE potential.

    When Princely pounds you in the face with a volleyball..Jimbomentum.

    When Tom "balls across your nose" Herman drags his nuts across your face...Jimbomentum.

    When you miss the jizz jar...Jimbomentum.

    When your cheerleaders are fucking dudes...Jimbomentum.

    When you stand, sway, waive a white flag and chant like a cult..Jimbomentum.

    When you squeeze your nuts so you can feel the teams pain...Jimbomentum.

    When you eat the list...Jimbomentum.

    When you fling poop...Jimbomentum.

    When you make up a bullshit story about a 12th man that gets passed down for generations to the rest of the inbreds...Jimbomentum.

    When your only championship (debatable) was in 1939...before WWII...Jimbomentum.

    When you talk like a fucking inbred 100 miles an hour and make absolutely no sense..Jimbomentum.

    When you "retire" in the asshole of Texas with $75 million (Guaranfuckingteed) on your way to Baton Rouge...Jimbomentum.

    When your slobbed daily by a man with chin pubes...Jimbomentum.

    When your 5'7" when you stretch and still faster than sloneal...Jimbomentum.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    Pretty sure Herman being at UT in general has given Patterson a sad. Herman’s kept a lot of talented players from TCU the past few years, and he’s going to be beating that pregnant-bellied sweatstain’s ass for years to come. 

    He's a sweaty, negative recruiting cockroach.  Scurry on fat fuck.

  4. 34 minutes ago, Deej said:

    Jimbo and Karen are trolling the fuck out of aggy. The end result will be glorious  

    I might woop and lovingly gaze upon male cheerleaders for 75 sticks. I might even bang the listeater.


    I actually think jizzbo is smarter than he looks and smarter than he sounds. Cause he looks and sounds like an inbred, but damn...75 guaranteed.  



  5. 18 hours ago, BurntOrangeCrush said:

    Hi Looch! My sources confirmed this for you.



    8 hours ago, irishtexan said:


    This pic just screams "5 star QB" doesn't it?

    BOC...thats chin pubes strap on. Jonnie Eight Ball can take it. Got to pay for that "cum on back" szn.


    Is that Case?

    • Haha 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Poolflood said:

    if the payment number is close - it's insane but I guess i shouldn't doubt it.  When I had the chance to ask Earl why he chose UT - he talked at length about ou offering him a car $$ etc.  His Mom taught him nothing in life is free.  He chose UT and Daryl for that reason.  He then talked about looking at former blow-u players vs. UT players and how they came out in the long run...... and the APeterson story hadn't broken.  

    Excellent post. Thank you.

    I lived close to Earl in the 90s. He is a great man. Generous with his time and resources. Awesome family. All you could ask for as a representative of The University of Texas.


    Also, fuck AD. 

    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    "Big 12 apologists envy what Texas A&M has and has developed"


    Typical aggy.


    Texas could snap its fingers and enter the SEC SEC SEC.


    aggy would be even less relevent than they already are.


    This is what aggy fears.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, markstanco said:



    Then why is he #373 and not sitting in front of nick sabens desk. That's my point. Like I said he may be a badass, but none of the blue bloods seem to care nor do the agencies.


    I dont think Saban has to work that hard. Today, we have to.

    This staff evaluates talent and they are pretty good at it. Lets pray they always do it.  We bitched and moaned about the lack of good evaluations during the back half of Browns tenure. Now our staff is actually busting their ass and doing their jobs. Sometimes they agree with the agencies/blue bloods and sometimes they don't. Case in point: Tyler Owens. Agencies finally caught up...BOMC/aggy conspiracy bullshit notwithstanding.


    He is also from Utah. $9.95rs probably aren't giving a lot of effort here. Its not low hanging fruit.


    Let the aggys jerk each other off with $9.95 evals. 


    To your point, hes got the potential to be a badass. Its up to our staff to make it so.  

  9. 59 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    Just trying to provide some interesting info i thought the board would appreciate. You’d be pretty shocked at who provided me these insights. But whatever. We can go back to treating the board like mushrooms and shoveling shit on top of it. Carry on. 

    Good insight. Thank you.

    Heres the answer: JUST FUCKING WIN.

    Mensa needs to Mensa. Georgia more. Maryland less.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, TBGFL said:

    I'm sure your buddy was "thrilled" about Martin Jr being named as baseball coach...

    My FIL played for FSU in the mid 60s. I met the wife in Tallahassee in 1997 when she was a senior and I was a 1L. Her dad gave me shit for being a UT grad but he gives everyone shit. He has a lot of friends in the athletic department and basically Jimbo was allowed to run that place roughshod. The old AD, Wilcox, was basically a wimp who wouldn't stand up to Jimbo. If he did, Jimbo would run around him to Thrasher.

    The number of tantrums that Jimbo Fisher threw over the smallest things are legendary in the Moore Center. Throwing shit at people and acting like a complete redneck when he didn't feel like he was in control. He bitched about getting an indoor practice facility and when it finally got put in motion, Jimbo couldn't be bothered to show up to the groundbreaking. A law school buddy also did undergrad at FSU and contributes quite a bit to the program. He won a hunting trip with Jimbo several years ago. Jimbo acted like it was a bother for him to be there. This was at the height of Hugh Freeze's run at Ole Miss and my buddy said Jimbo said some really nasty things about Freeze. Said his fake Christian act was "complete bullshit". 

    People like to point the finger at Candi for their divorce but when it became public in Tallahassee that she had been running around on him, the quiet comments on that were "Guess Candi was getting him back".

    Wouldn't surprise me if that unnamed assistant making comments in the article was Randy Sanders. He was going to leave after the 2017 season whether Jimbo stayed or not. He despised Jimbo. Jeremy Pruitt hated/hates Fisher's guts. FSU matched UGA's offer but Pruitt hated working for Jimbo that much. Jimbo went apeshit on Mark Stoops after a game in 2012 and Mark bolted the next season. Fisher has burned bridges with a shit load of assistants so it could be anyone who made those comments.

    Jizzbo is one lucky son of a bitch. $75 million guaranteed in genuine SEC dollars. Only has to survive the aggy stench for a few more years. Lets see if he can do it.

    Not too bent about him going apeshit on a stoops, but everthing else is suspect.

    He will not win a championship of any kind. Mark my words. 

    He's going to sheep fuck the place up even worse than it already is.

    Might give Loochi a heart attack. Please.

    It's going to be glorious.



    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, GoldAppleCorps said:

    I tried to mention Phil Pozderac, but after three straight holding penalties and a false start, I had to drop him.

    My mother was one of Gary Hogeboom's biggest supporters - mostly because of his Scandinavian roots.

    Cowboys. My god...I have termed the late 80s "The Phil Pozderac" years. I'm trying to forget. I think they are back. I know wrong thread. The "I Hate Jerra Thread" is that way....

    That was 35 negative yards. Thanks Poz. 1st and 40 fucking five.


  12. 36 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    Must suck for them to realize that all they can point to in their alum base are oil workers, corrupt politicians and meth addicts.

    Agree. I would add a former University President, Governor and US Senator (male) who likes young boys...and probably meth.  Stoops didn't leave a big enough bag of dicks so he had to find some of his own.

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