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Everything posted by BigSwingingD

  1. "aggy didnt lose...they just ran out of recruiting ranking" Rinse and repeat.
  2. Please tell me one of you glorious bastards are putting these on aggypedia. Classic.
  3. Do i spy a black braclet w yellow lettering on right hand? Surly Sleuths get on it. Report back STAT.
  4. 3 years ago the loss of Powell would have set the Shago'surly on fire. Think about the QBs today. Thank God. Herman has the QB room lined out. Hook'em
  5. This guy is Lincoln's best friend and spiritual advisor. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7809154/leaked-sex-tape-buddhist-monk-drug-gay-orgy-temple-taiwan/
  6. Forbes - that's some world class financial research. Fuck Forbes. Do some homework assholes. Get your Bachelors degree. Get your Masters. Or get your PhD. But most of all fuck aggy.
  7. Oh, and that fat sweaty fuck is 60% awesome coach and 40% a lucky mofo because we have sucked ass.
  8. I haven't read past your post. Tried to forget shag/surly for awhile. I am close to a couple of well connected big money Frogs. Fatterson has investments that mature over time. His comp is well over the stated salary. He will not leave. He's not a dumbass. We can not money whip his ass. Lots of Fuck You money. Deals mofos. Big deals. Take him out of the calculator. Carry on. Hook'em
  9. It's going to be hot and humid for the socal boys. We are going to crush them. Fuck SC. Hook'em
  10. Matt Bumfuck is a complete fucking douche. Talk about an arrogant prick. The scoreboard is ALL that matters. We built our lead over them because they suck at football (in general) and have an inferiority complex of mass proportions. We beat them...thats it. Its about coaching, resources and athletic ability. Period. It doesn't heve a damn thing to do with a political viewpoint. If conservatism and blind loyalty were the recipe for success, Baylor would have a few skins on the wall. They don't. I won't stereotype every aggy, but in general they suffer from group think and a herd mentality. Matt Bumfuck is the poster child. Their own arrogance is going to drive them straight over the cliff. I for one will fully enjoy watching them land. Please cue Mr. Randolf Duke...winning wars.. values that matter...What a joke. This guy took a big deep swig from the jizz jar.
  11. Excellent! I hear "SEC SEC SEC" in their little tiny munchkin voices. Hamm actually gained some height.
  12. This is Frantastic! Would one of you internet gurus or millenials please fix this pic? I think I see Hammster, Jizzbo Baggins, Memaw and Johnny Cocaine! Maybe even Chinpubes. C'mon Surly...do your thing.
  13. When one of you finally discloses you are KKL you will be automatically inducted into the Surly Hall of Fame. The jizz jar will runneth over on that day. Keep them coming Frenzy.
  14. Agree. We need him. He's a motherfucking black hole. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  15. The jizz jar runneth over. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  16. Well, at least he's good at recruiting tight ends. NTTAWT. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
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