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Everything posted by BigSwingingD

  1. I would also prefer that he knew. It would neuter any argument they have against the SEC SEC SEC. Occam's razor...do you think this jizz jar loving red ass aggy could keep that secret for 5 seconds?
  2. Great post. I will admit, I have suffered from "Post Hermantic Stress Syndrome". We are going to kick ass. Hook'em
  3. I figured I would distract you with Bob Armstrong and a discussion of how we can work an NIL deal with the Chap Girls/Cheerleaders.
  4. @RGBIII @immamac @closetojumping That was fucking awesome! From projectile vomit, to a CLEARLY communicated and thoughtful NIL discussion, and, to top it off, the "Fat Boy Minute" ...Pizza Edition, I was captivated and came away with some knowledge. I am amazed that all the douche bag 9.95rs that do this for a living can't do what you just did. Communicate. Wish I could give you $9.95, but will have to buy you Mats El Rancho margaritas. I will have to cap Rick at 4. 5 if he bahaves. Seriously, this was one of your best! Appreciate it. Hook'em
  5. Agree. He has aggy by the balls. Why renegotiate? I would pay good money to see the culture clash of Jizzbo coaching USC in his pressed high water wranglers, open collar sweater and boots.
  6. I will give @PHLaggie this...at least he has the balls to post. Texum aggy is loserville.
  7. Paul, can you show me where the Longhorn touched you? Points to just below his SEC SEC SEC tramp stamp. Fuck you, Finebaum. Hook'em
  8. Oldest graduated from McCombs last night. SEZ Longhorn was lit up and looked bad ass. We were in Sec 114. Top of NEZ. New turf confirmed. Hook'em 20210522_212705_002.mp4
  9. This is excellent. Don't miss the last 10 minutes where Sark is one on one with Sanchez. What strikes me is Sarks ability to communicate and the relationship with his QBs. Especially, playing to their strengths and building on their weaknesses. Gives me great hope for the future. Compare to Strong and Herman. There, of course, is no comparison. His communication skills rival Mack, but with the Xs and Os. If he can manage the institution of Texas and the pressure we will have our guy. Great find @Machinator. Hook'em
  10. @immamac & @RGBIII OUTSTANDING podcast! You guys are getting better and better. Great insight on Beard, staff, players, etc. Starting to get excited about Texas Hoops...been awhile. As always, great info on Football. Thank you. Thanks for the shoutout.
  11. Loved hanging with you @immamac. 2 margs and I need a nap. Where were the rest of you degenerates?
  12. Do not employ a coach named Shaka.
  13. Abilene Fucking Christian. Moved to D1 in 2013. Think about that. Unacceptable. Shaka is horrible.
  14. You would think this cheap motherfucker would buy his Mom a nice house and maybe some clothes from somewhere other than Walmart. Then again aggy's are cheap bastards with no class. Makes sense. Hook'em
  15. I'm in. He looks like one of the OU receivers who has ripped us a new one in the past. Juaquin Iglesias comes to mind. Hook'em
  16. BAS. It lives on. Hook'em
  17. Great podcast, guys. Can't wait to hammer some Pinkerton's and learned a lot about Derka. The pod is my yardwork go to. @RGBIII...Just wait till Watson & Watt get traded to the Cowboys. You will be totally fucked. We have been in NFL hell for 25 years.
  18. This will be a GREAT problem to have. I have a feeling Sark is no FUPM. He's seen success up close at USC (early carreer) and BAMA. I pray he has to solve this one. Hook'em
  19. Copenhagen, Gatorade spitter, and TittyBingo. Couldn't love this man any more. Total stud. Hook'em
  20. The GREATEST college football game, EVER. There was a video of the game set to AC/DC's Thunderstruck. SkipperJ made it, I think? Anybody know where to find it? Hook'em
  21. The rest of ou sucks
  22. 1,X,X,X Fuck around and find out. We are the anti texaggy. Hook'em
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