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Everything posted by Horn80

  1. 0Long time ago but seem to recall that Colby really disliked Keith? so much, that he just wanted to ensure Keith couldn’t win and Colby liked Tina. Thought that was pretty cool, maybe not smart, but cool thing to do.
  2. Pulling for Hunter. Reminds me of Colby in challenges.
  3. This didn’t age well Cough, cough, cough
  4. Apparently, only DP is up to the task. This smells a lot like what caused Mack’s demise.
  5. DP taking on pitching coach only to have it be a colossal failure reeks of hubris.
  6. Mike White is showing how pathetic Connie Clark was.
  7. Thought Rami was miscasted and writing was lacking.
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