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Posts posted by VirginiaLonghorn

  1. 5 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    The pitching is young, so I think we've been better than expected so far.  But it's going to be a rocky road for a bit.

    It’s the same 60’6” ... throw strikes and see what happens. Walk batters and you know what happens. 

    Of course, it’s easier when you know one run won’t beat you. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    You're just wrong.  Horns practice that play and should be able to get an out and not give up a run......

    I’ll bet Shaka’s boyz practice, too. 

    Plus, there were 2 outs. The focus is on getting the hitter. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    Q is not good at holding runners.

    Tadlock just abused his inexperience twice.....

    Disagree. Q did exactly right by (1) not balking or (2) being suckered into a rundown between 1B and 2B. Either would have probably resulted in another TT run. 

  4. Pierce needs to think a bit about how he handles starters and relievers at the start of an inning. 

    One might question Henley starting the 8th .. but, there was no fucking question after he walked the leadoff man on four straight pitches.

    This one’s on Pierce. 

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