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Everything posted by VirginiaLonghorn

  1. .. or at least confirm that she bought a ticket to the game.
  2. Ole Miss playing like their coach told ‘em he’s taking another job …
  3. Blood veins bulged in my forehead when that happened far too frequently during Pierce’s tenure and I was happy to blame coaching. It now appears to me that the problem is more attributable to knucklehead players than knucklehead coaches … 🤬
  4. GR8 885 … 10 to pass 99
  5. Maybe it’s easily explained … they found somebbottles stashed away in the bullpen.
  6. I’d close the drapes if they were playing on our cul-de-sac basket. There is nothing of interest until the new coach is named.
  7. Caps extended G Charlie Lindgren for 3 years/$9M.
  8. … hire this guy to fly wing for CDC for crissake!
  9. Hope it doesn’t stay in Vegas …
  10. ESPN+/SECN+ listed 25 softball games in progress at the Texas start time. Clicked on the Texas/USF game and learned it hasn’t started … period. What I’m suggesting is the link should open to the game in progress in Austin rather than look at a static SEC ESPN Network screen filler. I don’t know who’s playing ahead of Texas/USF and DGAF. But, it’s better than a screen filler and I won’t miss the start of the Texas game.
  11. Why don’t the ESPN morons put all games being played at one site on the same stream? That way, one can watch the end of the preceding game and not play Russian roulette and miss the start of your game?
  12. Dak has nothing to worry about if that’s what you mean …
  13. … complement to McLaurin and a nice weapon for Daniels.
  14. They hidin’ the offense for conference play?
  15. GR8 884 … 11 to pass 99
  16. Sundial broke ..
  17. … and the RF throw to the plate allowing the hitter to go to 2B.
  18. Our interior defense is putrid.
  19. GR8 883 … 12 to pass 99 Another 30 goal season
  20. He’s big enuf to look ‘em in the eye when they mess up.
  21. That’s as good as she’s looked in years … wonder who embalmed her?
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