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Everything posted by Newdoc

  1. You cherry picked a verse to fit your narrative when pretty much Jesus travels around in his time proclaiming his message and tells people to proclaim his message. Your out of context verse quotation is Jesus calling out the hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders praying to be seen and revered for their piety. He knew their hearts were prideful and insincere. If a football player is going to proclaim Buddah or Muhammed or whatever, I’m not going to get my panties wadded up if I don’t agree.
  2. Win ugly and no second half collapse. Positive direction.
  3. Exactly, and comparing the Texas/OSU game to this one is an exercise in fallacy and futility.
  4. This team’s predictable pattern against decent competition.
  5. Kaluma making a tough shot even harder with the pump fake. Smh
  6. With that much central obesity, it’s amazing he is still alive. He needs to thank his genes and maybe his doctors.
  7. Yep. And the cost and time delay of permits, finding contractors, inspections, etc. Probably not many locations worse than LA to try to rebuild quickly.
  8. If Quinn doesn’t make starter status in the league and ends up with a career like Colt, then that’s a pretty great way to go.
  9. That's why we give to Salvation Army. Much higher percentage of funds go to the programs for outreach, not overhead and bloated CEO salaries. If the Salvation Army is located in the area, they are a good place to give. And I can vouch for the regional Methodist and other faith based organizations overall. Most funds, in my experience, have gone directly to basic outreach needs. The ongoing cost of the organization/church is usually covered by parishioner giving over the year.
  10. RT makes Shaka’s brand of basketball look organized.
  11. Yeah, UT men’s sports this weekend…
  12. Yeah, when young players in their early 20's have a reasonable perspective on a FOOTBALL game vs real life and some fan is emotionally crushed by this loss beyond 5 minutes after the game, then either evaluate your priorities or bet and drink less.
  13. Sure. But still a poor decision. Quite a few of those during the season.
  14. Lots of moving pieces. The only way to know is if Arch was QB1 this year.
  15. Helm was wide open underneath. Even if receceiver falls down, very poor choice to throw that into coverage.
  16. D for sure. Arch’s legs will negate some of the O line having to protect a quarterback who can only move 5 yards in 5 seconds.
  17. You mean the slow pitch out where is was obvious which way that was going to the 20 million watching this game?
  18. Arch shoukd have been in with those play calls. Horrible set for Quinn
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