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Posts posted by Newdoc

  1. 1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

    Doxxing is now something many of you seem cool with, but at the beginning of this movement doxxing was considered too strong and too indecorous a response. Even the centrists and libs are learning, VERY FUCKING SLOWLY, about how Nazis are properly dealt with.

    Everyone with a strongly held opinion should be ready to "man up" and be publicly identified for it.  If the consequences of hate speech is losing your job and other affiliations then so be it. But you are a naive and ignorant fool if you think doxxing changes the hearts of people.

    If there was only some historical figure that set an example for breaking down barriers in the civil rights movement of this country that helped put us on a long term path to reconciliation. One who believed in righteous civil disobedience and used non-violent measures to befriend those in opposition rather than humiliate or "defeat" them.

  2. I get the counter protest but I think it would be more awesome if " unite the right" just marched down the street and no one payed attention, no news cameras were there and the march just ended with this impotent whimper of the alt-right deciding where to get a hot dog.  There is no better counter protest than to make a group feel like they are completely irrelevant.

    • Like 7
  3. On 8/8/2018 at 8:16 AM, Onboard 2.0 said:

    ANTIFA and the nazis... lock em in a football stadium together.  The ones that come out get sent back in to clean up the mess.  Both groups that represent about .00000001% of our citizens.

    And they get way too much airtime as that small percentage. And way too many people start biting their nails that the whole country is going Nazi or Fascist.

  4. Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics



    “As socialism has become increasingly popular, we’ve been seeing more and more of this,” said Doctor Pauline Hudson, who treated Ocasio-Cortez for third-degree burns. “Often it’s a severe-allergic reaction to math. Socialist policies are all well and good, but if you adopt them, you want to stay far away from even basic economic idea like supply and demand. It’s not pretty what happens when the two collide.”




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  5. 26 minutes ago, taybo20 said:

    So basically at some point this season there will be a report in the field at an Aggie game with a decibel meter. And then we can laugh as the meter is some paltry level 

    Don't count the Ags out. Sheep can get pretty loud when violated and in distress.

  6. On 8/3/2018 at 3:28 PM, 'stache said:

    I just can't imagine a situation of being suspicious that someone of any color "doesn't belong" to where it even makes sense to ask informally "hey, who are you, why are you here?"  Maybe an obvious homeless person or someone showing signs of substance abuse.  If it's just a person of color, what makes one think "they don't look like they belong?"  Is it really that hard to believe that black people go to college or live in gated communities?

    Or even better.. "Hi, my name is ______.  I'm a a) student b) professor c) whatever here on campus. How's your lunch? What do you do here on campus?  Where are you from originally?  Do you also think that OU sux?"

    I think it's still okay to be nice to people who don't look like us. Right?

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    A few worthless thoughts:


    The incidence may very will be increasing (interesting debate for sure),

    It is. There is no debate.

  8. 28 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    These guys talking about the Russia threat while the biggest maligned influence threat is coming from inside the house!

    It’s remarkable 

    Despite the disturbing but ever present Russian interference with our country which is, and always has been really just to weaken us overall as a country, our own citizens are much more willing and adept to put self above anyone else in our own country.  The extremes of both parties and the fact they get reckless airplay/clicks for ad revenue is driving a Grand Canyon size wedge into our society.

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  9. 13 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

    Very satisfying evening.  It was my mother’s birthday.  My father is a Trumpkin (btw, I love that this was an auto fill choice), and I picked a fight with him.   My mom, who leans right but who I sense is disgusted by trump and has squashed any discussion of politics at family events, let it go for a while.  She normally shuts it down because she just wants to spend time with her grandchildren in peace.  My father became a coward when confronted with his indefensible positions, and  my mother tacitly approved.   #sortofwinning

    Congratulations for "winning" and being satisfied sewing familial discord on your mom's birthday over politics.

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