Yes, if you went through the posts and what perspective they come from then the CR majority view has bled over here. I'm not sure why the need to come to DT and post the same stuff. But the topic itself is politically charged and there is very little else to discuss as the protest will not change the tragedy in Israel and Gaza. Camping on the south mall is like taking a piss of the cliff at Oasis, then beating your chest about how much you just filled up Lake Travis. Until 6 months ago, the vast majority of protesters could not have pointed out Gaza on a map, and didn't think about Israel and Palestine relations more than 1% of the year. These campus protests are a narcissistic exercise.
There are infinite better ways for these protesters to affect change for this area of the world. Affect awareness and change locally but throwing a tantrum on campus hanging out in a tent isn't going to get it done. And not LOL, by having UT divest from inconsequential investments in weapons contractors. Offer each protester a plane ticket and some GoFundMe money to get to the Egyptian border with Gaza to help with refugees. When you ask them to put their money where their mouths are, we would hear crickets.