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Everything posted by Newdoc

  1. Nobody outside of the police or the perp even knows if this was targeted, calculated or anything other than a DUI. A tragedy for sure but you might want to hold off on the DA, judge and jury comments until there’s actually facts that can lead to a reasonable conclusion. And Hispanic on Hispanic hate crime would be hard to prove. Lots of innocent people die every yeay from DUI crashes in Texas. Texas ranks near the top in DUI deaths per state so there’s lots of work to be done aside from the periodic internet forum outrage of vehicular mass homicide.
  2. Someone on a firearms self defense youtuber video said the best thing to do is to not get into any altercation, gun or not. It never works out, even for the "winning" party. Check your ego and the rest of your day will be alright. However that changes if you need to protect yourself or loved ones against imminent harm. A pissing contest at a charging station is likely not that type of situation.
  3. When society tells you that the world revolves around you and concomitantly that someone else's life just isn't valuable then at some point reality slaps you in the face and you've never be told to think about others as perhaps equal or more important than you or how to cope not being number one well..... Pull in my driveway? It's my driveway, that's a blastin. Society let me down and I'm confused about x,y,z? Find a target group to blame and point your violent animosity towards. Bullied at school? That's a blastin. Got my takeout order wrong? That's a blastin. This isolation culture and relative morality stuff is not working out to well for us. Especially when we can pick up a mass murder weapon on a whim.
  4. Accurate. I blow the grass clippings and my dog's crap into the street but I open carry while I do my yard work so the neighbor keeps his trap shut.
  5. There’s more neg rep going on here than a conservative trying to post in the CR.
  6. The starship really was just meant to launch. The kaboom happened later than I thought it would. Dorks are dorks but they are doing some pretty cool stuff. Makes my day to day look mundane. The responses on here and on the Elon Musk thread fall pretty much on whatever CR spectrum you fall and your new hatred of all things Musk.
  7. If I make big mess then yes. At least get the bulk of it up. A few pieces in the seat that I can’t find? No. Probably apologize about the mess. If I or family spills a drink at a restaurant, I’m asking for a towel or mop to help clean up the mess we made. Not sure how the real confrontation went down. We get one side of it. Relief pitcher looks like an ass bitching about his wife’s first world problems while making more money that 99.5% of the US for occasionally throwing a small ball faster than most.
  8. Probably the same reasons kids watch other kids playing with toys on YouTube. I personally don’t care if a stranger likes or dislikes Austin or any other city. It takes almost no talent or effort to have some kind of public voice these days. Maybe there is a silver lining in that but it’s mostly just crap.
  9. Shooting, running over kids heads for a prank, etc. People have lost their minds and their humanity. The driveway guy had the convenience of a gun. It woukd be interesting to know how long he had been festering his hatred of people and if anyone in his inner circle may have thought it wasn’t a good idea for him to have access to convenient people killers.
  10. I would agree if he was going to an aerobics class in the 1980’s.
  11. It seems that the pedophiles featured here seek opportunities to put themselves in positions where children are easy trusting targets. Youth minister, cop, teacher, etc. These institutions have many people in leadership that are ignorant or willfully blind (Catholic Church) to the dangers inherent in places where children are concentrated and the pervs know it. These pervs don’t start out as some angel then turn bad. They are perversely attracted to kids from the get go and seek the easiest place to gain access. There’s no oath or teachings in the police academy, a seminary or teaching certification that instructs pervs to hunt kids. There should be a concerted effort to make sure these institutions have significant safe guards and are held accountable if they fail to meet these safety requirements.
  12. A way to make money off people who have no fashion sense.
  13. This Johnson guy could be molded into a pretty good pitcher. His tangibles look good. He needs a bit more control. I like that he pitches downhill. He stayed clutch in a sticky situation.
  14. No control what so ever on the mound
  15. I‘m sorry my criticism hurt your feelings and tarnished the security that being a Longhorn fan brings to your life.
  16. All teams played down to their competition a good chunk of the season. The basketball team especially in mid season (thanks Beard). Basketball looked better at the end of the season. Football not so much. Baseball absolutely has me concerned but there is some improvement.
  17. Ah yes, Somehow Texas yet again makes a win a non thrilling yet exhaustive affair. All three major sports, yea Longhorns.
  18. Is the Pierce “I’ll see which of my shaky pitchers I can throw out there and reduce this lead” strategy?
  19. Couple hundred for this baby and the PTA can dig the hole for free. Quit your bitchin.... Our "low" taxes just go to pay for a lot of BS like every other state. Screw infrastructure. We aren't stupid. We're bloated and corrupt.
  20. So nobody knows crap except that this thing actually got posted. Surly can confirmation bias and fill in the rest while armed with the outrage of your flavor.
  21. Before y'all all go fatwa on the company, it is a minority (non white) run company who claims a former employee copied the employment ad then added racist language. "This job posting was neither authorized nor posted by Arthur Grand or its employees. A former employee took an existing posting and added discriminatory language, then reposted it through his own account. The moment this was brought to our attention, we worked with the job portal to remove this offensive job posting. Necessary legal action has been initiated against the job poster." So while there is plenty of prejudice and racism left in the workplace, this company may not be a source of it.
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