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Everything posted by Newdoc

  1. I know how you feel about all this Christmas business, getting depressed and all that. It happens to me every year. I never get what I really want. I always get a lot of stupid toys or a bicycle or clothes or something like that.
  2. And if she did a serology for herpes without actual viral lesions on her face, then there is a very high chance she already had herpes in some form or fashion. Type 1 and 2 are not exclusive to their traditional oral and genital infamy. I have seen Type 1 down below and Type 2 on the face. Serology is pretty worthless for Herpes.
  3. Exactly. There's a few things you can transmit genital to oral but not many. Maybe she is covering for the STD she picked up from a side piece.
  4. I can’t imagine the premiums for her. We have a couple of not at fault accidents on our records with only one pay out from our insurance on a non insured driver (kid excluded on her parents insurance and they let her drive anyway) and our rates are sky rocketing.
  5. The OSU fountain is orange, it’s their homecoming, Gundy’s a man, nobody offered…… It’s only Monday and the pearl clutching is off the charts.
  6. Hey Tech, this is the type of game when you rush the field. Good job Vols.
  7. Tennessee clock operator trying to screw his own team. Lulz. Let the clock run down to 0:00.
  8. Should or shouldn’t it gets called a lot. It needs to be called consistently one way or another.
  9. Texas doesn’t get that call on an exact PI type situation today.
  10. Wish the band would play more. The canned music is not awful but we have a really good band.
  11. If you were sleeping in a guest bed at my house, you bet I would complain.
  12. What does this mean? Like, “Let’s Go Brandon!” or “Cain, you MAGA sob, catch the ball!”
  13. Our db’s aren’t this bad. They aren’t great however. This defensive game scheme is putrid.
  14. There are several stories of people that feel emboldened enough in their 2 ton vehicle to escalate road conflicts and put their child in harm’s way. Gun or not. They wouldn’t dare do it on the sidewalk or in a public park. Something about a cage of steel and aluminum makes you write stupid checks that your actual self can’t cash. Both these idiots should see the inside of a jail for a long time.
  15. $9 funnel cakes and $18 turkey legs. You and your wallet are brave souls.
  16. You can do exclusions in Texas but you absolutely can never let the excluded drive those cars. We did it a couple of years ago on on semi sports sedan that kept rates high. Put it on a separate policy.
  17. I want some time-out demolition derbies with 4 year olds in plastic Hummers. And girls with rubbery arms trying to hit a giant inflatable soda can with footballs. What's wrong with UT's entertainment team? But seriously, Thank you baby Jesus that there is no "hype" crew. Cringy.
  18. The roads aren’t curvy. Faster to get through.
  19. I think our db’s missed this tidbit in junior high. Or had it taught out of them. I’ve tried to lower my stress by lowering expectations. It didn’t happen last year.
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