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Everything posted by Newdoc

  1. When you gift them the ball close to the end zone, then well, yeah.
  2. Sark has one creative play call then runs right into the strength of the Georgia D.
  3. I threw a pick like that in intramurals my freshman year so that hits close to home.
  4. Texas Jeff is apparently Bill in Sinton’s nephew and flush with cash to hand out to drunk students in order to cobble together some cheering.
  5. This thread reads like the offseason and we’re less than 24 hours until the game starts. Pull it together people. There’s gonna be mass panic when Quinn throws his first incomplete pass and St Davids can only handle a few stroke patients at a time.
  6. He’s old enough that there’s likely senile dementia kicking in along with plentybof other neurological degenerative aging. Many 80+ year olds act like this. Difference is most 82 year olds just fight about HOA and golf club policies and Jerry gets to completely decimate a 8 figure sports franchise and embarrass himself in front of the nation. He needs to retire.
  7. Signing Dak to a long term deal is like taking out a seven year 18.5% loan on a 2019 Chevy Malibu.
  8. Imagine your daddy has forgone yearly vacations with the family and building decades long family memories so he can buy season tickets to this crapfest of mediocrity so he can hang at the tailgate with the bros eating dried out brisket and drinking Miller Lite in his $200 Dak replica jersey. He stumbles multiple times per year into the stadium to watch the game on the giant TV in Jeruhworld because his $6000 seat is 600 ft from the field. He'll puke in the restroom on the way out and stumble to his lowered 1995 Chevy 1500 to drive home inebriated with a blood alcohol of 1.2 then proceed to yell at his wife and kids because he's frustrated that Cowboys somehow, this year, didn't rise above three decades of mediocrity.
  9. Quinn’s a good dude. Definitely played with some questionable throws and head choices initially but it’s rare that anyone is asked to perform under pressure, shaking off rust in front of tens of thousands of fans with millions more watching on TV. Hopefully he has a great week at practice and is ready to go next week.
  10. Biased algorithms on the social media interwebs is where I get my information. Got me though Covid without getting chipped or getting myocarditis. Only lost an uncle and two cousins to Covid in the fight against big pharma.
  11. Haha director and camera operators trolling OU.
  12. The gooners in the sun are leaving. Their concourse looks busy.
  13. At this point put in Arch just to avoid Quinn getting hurt.
  14. Down the middle. Good job Bert!
  15. Bert, Dude. At least we can move it on them.
  16. Yeah, this is B12 level bad missed holdong and OU does it every year.
  17. Bolden made a heads up bad ass hustle play.
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