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Everything posted by Newdoc

  1. If I gave knowingly really crappy medical advice, that fails to met standard of care, to strangers online and they died even though they could choose to follow it or not, then I would be steak tartar in front of the state medical board. Ultimately the blame lies at feet of the individual who chooses poorly but there’s plenty of blame to go around in this pandemic. Back to the DT.
  2. Absolutely. It was either that or I figured you could meet the guy at the 7-11 parking lot after school. And I agree these asshats are actually responsible for influencing people to avoid mitigation measures and vaccines and now I have a dead cousin because of it. I have no doubt that he listened to these asswipes on social media and remained unvaccinated. Now he has a greiving wife and one of two sons still in high school without a great involved dad. So f’ing done with these social media retards and their anti vax campaigns.
  3. Will antibody levels be the new pickup line? “Hey baby, I’ve got a 2069.”
  4. Important to know that he keeps his boat at the marina. Makes the case for Ivermectin all that more compelling. I will be praying that Dennis Newberry and Dennis Meiser's family both STFU about Ivermectin and let the doctors and nurses who trained for a combined bajillion hours do their jobs with their own expertise.
  5. Antigen testing an asymptomatic kid is not optimal. Ask your doc but I usually recommend waiting for symptoms (any symptom). You can clear someone from quarantine at day 7 with antigen or pcr but ymmv on accuracy.
  6. Damn. They make their own ice cream and now they’ve started a school?
  7. Do they realize Covid doesn’t care who you vote for or what “freedoms” you treasure?
  8. If they are talking about transport due to Covid then that is complete bullshit.
  9. Remember those nature shows where a Wildebeest calf gets eaten by hyenas and momma is upset but the rest of the herd looks at the commotion and goes back to grazing? That’s where we are at right now. The general public does not have the capacity to remain hyper vigilant or be inconvenienced for too long. A majority of our society has never had to mentally endure something of this scale and has never been trained to work through hardships. And our leadership, except for some at the local levels has no capacity or abilities to lead us through this and is counter productive by utilizing this crisis for personal gain in many cases. Couple that with almost complete dysfunction of critical thinking skills exacerbated by asshats on social media, then ta-dah! No F’s given.
  10. It looks like a cold at that age. There is no discernable clinical way to tell if the under 10 crowd has a regular viral cold vs Covid except for testing. They almost never lose their taste and smell.
  11. I haven't been turned down sending a patient over in the last few weeks so supply holding up so far. He may have underlying conditions. I would expect the governor of any state (Blue or Red) to get this if eligible despite how bad they are screwing up on mask mandates and school openings. Which for Abbott is really bad.
  12. Exactly. Saw a ten year old with mild URI symptoms yesterday evening. Positive Covid. Where was he all day? At school with optional masking. ALL DAY. Mom didn't suspect Covid due to very mild symptoms and no fever at start of the day. She could have disappeared into the wall when I told her. You could see the "Oh Shit" look on her face. Kid seemed happy to extend his summer vacay even staying in his room.
  13. Blood thinners isn't what keeps people out of the hospital. Nor does parasite medication or zinc or Vitamin C. Maybe a select population that is high risk for a coagulopathy would benefit from anticoagulants once infected but blood clots are not what is putting relatively healthy 30-60 year olds in the hospital. You know what prevents them from getting there? Being careful about not getting the virus in the first place and vaccines. Extremely low risk vaccinations.
  14. It would be off label which almost never happens for a vaccine and a highly unusual circumstance. The risk is likely minimal but it has to be weighed with benefit. Not sure where that equation lands.
  15. If they have a primary then you can shoot them a message.
  16. Unless he is a doctor then I wouldn’t recommend instincts as medical advice.
  17. And I have people still arguing that it's mostly vaccinated in our hospitals. Even doctors (obviously not ones that work in hospitals).
  18. There's a ton of upper respiratory viruses going around right now. We are paying the immunity debt by separation for 12+ months. Especially kids. Truely a catch-22 type scenario. Hide out from Covid and lose or don't build the rest of your immunity. We've coexisted with viruses for thousands of years. RSV, rhinovirus, etc. aren't going anywhere. These viruses were just waiting around for the kiddos to get back together. So y'alls one to two year olds are going to have back to back illnesses for the next few months if they didn't already this summer. That is partly why pediatric hospitals are full of everything.
  19. Northern Cen Tex here and exactly the same. Lots of rural ED’s and rural ICUs holding direct admits on vents for all kinds of illnesses. You have rural family docs that haven’t run a ventilator in years having to keep patients alive while they scramble to find a bed somewhere. Somebody had a contact and was able to ship out a patient to New Mexico just yesterday. And somehow we haven’t converted over post surgical and trauma units for any Covid patients which are also filling up our own emergency department with bed holds. Probably a staffing issue. It’s like everyone outside of the hospital and health systems have collectively shrugged their shoulders. No field hospitals, no National Guard, no extra funds. Just a lot of dying young Covid patients with collateral damage to those who normally would have been seen in the hospital for other chronic conditions. Bravo America!
  20. This assumes we give a damn like we did in the summer of 2020. Overall, we don’t. Muh freedoms!
  21. This folks, is how you humble brag during Covid. And yes, I am envious.
  22. If you are in a sand-dune in Iraq, it is better than nothing, otherwise the data is very mixed to say it is a good way to definitively rule in/out fracture. If competent you can use Ottawa Ankle Rules - https://www.mdcalc.com/ottawa-ankle-rule Now back to Covid...
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