Nothing is all that great for cough but dextromethorphan, with responsible use, in liquid form is likely just as good for cough but without that pesky significant addiction potential and central respiratory depression.
This strain of Covid, FLiRT, is pretty contagious but like the other Omicron strains, still does not appear to have a good affinity for deep lung mucosa. But it does like the gut so congratulations to those who feel like they have the flu and are also crapping their pants. I probably missed a few Covid cases earlier in June because some people with Covid were presenting only with GI symptoms and we were coming off a wave of Norovirus.
With the vast majority of people doing well with this strain (although feeling like crap) I'm thinking the old way of finding every damn case of Covid likely needs to go to the wayside. We are spending a crap ton of resources finding and treating cases that don't need to be treated or seen officially in a clinic. This will be controversial, but Paxlovid for those with low risk factors and some type of previous immunity is a $500 way to feel better a couple of days faster than you would otherwise. If you are not at high risk, it's not keeping you out of the hospital. You're going to get better anyway. Some absolutely need the medication, but the data shows those with prior immunity and even moderate risk factors do not significantly benefit from Paxlovid.