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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Doesn't make the uniforms any less hideous.
  2. In fairness, they're calling them softshell pants, so... Those look like pants for someone who doesn't fall, and rides mostly in March/April. Never seen them before, and that's not my profile, so I have no opinion.
  3. Mittens


    Smashburger at Central Machine Works was pretty tasty yesterday. Little salty, but not too bad.
  4. The Celtics believe in defense first. Their offense is based on attacking the weak defensive link on the other team. They just won the title by mercilessly hunting Luka over and over. It has zero to do w/ who is on the Celtics and 100% w/ who Luka is as a player.
  5. Celtics would laugh so fucking hard if that call came their way.
  6. I had to google "softshell pants" and they don't appear to have anything to do with skiing. Do you have the wrong term, or is wearing hiking pants for skiing a thing now? https://www.google.com/search?q=softshell+pants
  7. Dammit @Derka! Beat me to the Beyonce/ TCL one!
  8. Ol' boy was feeling that one. You can hear the groaning at the end. Woof.
  9. Say it with your chest, Lando!
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