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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Mittens

  1. Who throws balls anymore?
  2. We get a couple of those vids a year, and some of y'all want to put high speed rail through these towns.
  3. Premise of OP is spot on. I work in medical malpractice insurance and have a client in WF that is in a real bind. They need to add a provider to their roster, and there is only 1 available in the whole region (w/ that specialty), but he's almost uninsurable. They're going to end up paying through the nose for a guy who will work maybe 25 days a year for them. 100 miles from anywhere anyone really wants to live, especially anyone w/ real earning power.
  4. Buddy just posted this. Could be any of you.
  5. Just got back from seeing it. HOLY. SHIT. I need to watch it a couple more times to really catch all the references, but goddamn that was funny as hell.
  6. Tesla Cybertruck Ambulance Lets You Die Of Embarrassment Instead Of Your Injuries
  7. Flav not done being awesome: https://www.teamusa.com/profiles/veronica-fraley
  8. Right? That intersection has been ground zero for zombies since 1990.
  9. Mittens

    Below Deck

    I wouldn't want to work with her, or date her, but a weekend with Ellie in the right mindset would be fucking awesome.
  10. He's consistent though.
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