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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Mittens

  1. Texas is doing just fine w/ their 85 ships, and would still be in the same position with 70.
  2. Well into 6 I’ll say this: The second I saw the number, I thought coming back was a legit option. I don’t know anything about the conversation w/ the Angels, but my guess from the beginning was he wouldn’t be thrilled about going there.
  3. His NIL package is HUGE. Had great leverage vs the Angels in negotiations.
  4. Not in the slightest. I know this will come as a complete surprise to many of you, but some of us would like the entire sport to succeed, not just a couple of teams.
  5. Hope to god that's not true. Talk about really fucking up CFB, and all other affected sports. Scholarship limits should be going down to make things more even among all schools, not up so that it only benefits the big boys.
  6. Just because you know it doesn't mean everyone does. I have the same thought when I see memes or tweets posted in the holy shit/lol/cool threads that I saw years ago, and then I remind myself that not everyone consumes way too much fucking internet every single day of their lives. Same w/ recruiting news or CFB history. I can't shit on someone who comes across new info and is excited about it just because I have known about it for 6 months or 10 years.
  7. Between the Sorors and the Swifties, Kamala has her ground troops mobilized and ready for battle. The massive donations in record time show just how ready this country is for someone other than an old white guy to be our leader. I feel so much better about our future today than I did a week ago.
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