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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Mittens

  1. Mittens

    USMNT 2024

  2. Mittens

    USMNT 2024

  3. Mittens

    USMNT 2024

  4. Mittens

    Euro 2024

    That was clean af
  5. Mittens

    Euro 2024

    Right call all day
  6. I had one of these happen, except where one of y'all's wives didn't have the stop sign, but stopped anyway and was blocking the other 3 cars at the intersection from moving. If your wife came home all upset a couple months ago because someone called her a dumb cunt, that was me.
  7. Looks stupid as hell. Hollywood w/ zero new ideas, so lets remake a perfect movie, but add water. I feel like ChefReactions right now: 1/10, will definitely watch.
  8. The more clips I see of this kid, the more I love his style. Whimsical, creative as fuck and just supremely talented. Got a little Rodney/Daewon in his blood.
  9. I deal w/ doctors all day every day and a huge percentage of them are complete morons outside of their profession. Had to confirm some basic math to one who went to MIT and then Stanford a couple of weeks ago and was just shaking my head the whole time (internally) during the conversation.
  10. Mittens

    USMNT 2024

    Are there any former USMNT types active on twitter that aren't assholes? Honest question, because I can't keep straight which ones are on which side of which issue, and they all seem like they suck. I will forever love Twellman's rant, but other than that, I can't name a good take off the top of my head from any of them.
  11. and plenty of water to drown your victims in
  12. Mittens


    Ha! I definitely wait for the last bowl of the night to top off w/ the hash.
  13. The Prelude name/line deserved better. Much like the Countach that came out last year.
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