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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by USMCHorn

  1. I think I need to see what the defensive does before I can even make a guess about next season. Right now we can only expect elite safety play. The CB’s will have to grow up fast and none of us can even name the starting front seven. The only thing I know is that we will have an incredible offense, assuming Ingram makes the assumed leap and we find him some help at RB. We have a lot of questions to answer in the spring and fall camps.
  2. USMCHorn

    Malcolm Roach

    Please put him at DE and end the LB Bs.
  3. Get Brandon and LJH back and we should be both top 5 coming into the pre-season and conference favorites! Exactly where we should be!
  4. That's awesome, she'll remember that forever. Good job Dad.
  5. That's got to be the dumbest fucking analogy I've ever seen in my life.
  6. He has the base so he just flames whomever doesn't get in line. McCain was immune to it because he was a national hero. Everyone else, not so much.
  7. Definitely would be a pleasant surprise.
  8. Of the three I'd put money on Ivanka as well. I'd pay to watch Eric go through Marine Basic though.
  9. I bet Slorch didn't see this coming at all.
  10. That was insane. Nothing better than txhsf
  11. It just means schools can recruit you as a transfer.
  12. Putin made us his bitch on the international stage. This is fucking embarrassing.
  13. Oh they’ll be there, they just won’t be paid. They’re going to be fucking pissed. Prepare your anus..
  14. Thank you, it was an honor. I would like to clarify that I’m no longer actively serving, but that doesn’t change how I feel.
  15. You’ve been a fucking idiot for a long time and I’m here to remind you. Trump told your stupid ass he was smarter than the generals during the primaries but sure, his ignorance of the generals is a total surprise to you. I put my life on the line for this country so FUCK your regret. My daughter was born while I was Afghanistan and that very day me and my boys still brought it to those taliban fucks. I’m proud of those sacrifices, but that also means I take the presidency and it’s duty to our nation very seriously. I won’t let you trumpers walk away from your vote with a simple “I won’t vote for him again”. I want you motherfuckers to feel shame. You put a con man and traitor in the office to “own the Libs” so you can not be trusted as far as I’m concerned. As man who has someone fighting for this country you should be beyond the “Left” and “Right” bullshit.
  16. Watching Slorch and the other Trump voters here claim that good and high character isn’t a part of the job description - all the while claiming they’ll never vote for him again (because of the decisions he made in line with his character) - is fucking hilarious. Why won’t you vote for him again? He’s literally done everything he said he would do when you voted for him, well, except make Mexico pay for shit. What’s even more rich is that the men you claim to admire, like Secretary Mattis, you clearly admire FOR their character.
  17. His commitment picture is him with the horns down. We good.
  18. Where did anyone deny it happened? Wtf is wrong with you? He balled the fuck out.
  19. He’ll play everywhere. It’s kinda aggy to harp on that the day of an all-time great performance by a future horn in a championship game.
  20. Led his team in tackles with 11. Also Defensive MVP. All I’m saying is that one play doesn’t validate shit Aggy says.
  21. This is satire. I refuse to believe otherwise
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