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Posts posted by PRONG HORN

  1. 10 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    Here are the good guys who will kill those teenage bad guys.




    Hopefully they already did.  Especially that woman  ; )




  2. 9 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Does all that mean you don't believe in the sanctity of women's spaces? I don't imagine women getting the vapors and fainting if a person of indeterminate genitalia (unseen) harmlessly going about their business.



    So, that's a no?  I don't imagine it either, but if a woman doesn't want to share the bathroom with a man, that should be respected in my opinion.  It doesn't matter if she is left or right.  A woman's right to choose should extend to her spaces just as much as it should for her body.  



    9 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Do you think trans women should be allowed to take the place of women on sports teams? It's a sticky issue. I don't know for sure. I'm not sure who should adjudicate that. It's a nothing issue to me in the face of a political party spreading their hate message to the marginalized with lies that they are dangerous or harmful in general. 



    It's a nothing issue because some people say that trans are dangerous or harmful, and that it's a more pressing issue to address the hate?  I get that, but does that mean that your position is that we shouldn't address trans on women's teams until there are no longer any hateful opinions about trans people?  At this point I doubt if there will ever be a universal law governing the country that addresses fairness for all sports teams, spaces, locker rooms, rest rooms, etc. in every state.  I think that if the supreme court ever gets around to defining what a woman is, and they use biology to do so, that some people will just blame it on a "conservative", or Christian viewpoint or bias.  It might just be left up to individual states.  



    9 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    The girl and the scholarship? See my top answer.

    I find it interesting that the swine who give no shit about women in general other than forcing them to give birth is now all aflutter over the "sanctity of women's spaces."

    So, fuck off. I'll be giving you unannotated negs for your cynical use of distraction issues based in hate and hoping only for MAGA victory.



    There are many left leaning women out there who are for women's spaces belonging only to women.  It's not a right/left issue for all those affected.  It would be myopic to assume that only right leaners are concerned about women's spaces.  If you are having a hard time understanding what it means when men get women's scholarships, maybe this graph will help with that.  When you include males in women's sports, you exclude a female.  The possibilities for her success are limited or destroyed when she must compete for that scholarship with all the women who want to play, and also any trans women who want to play.  This fact is a "distraction issue" to you?








    • Fuck You 3
  3. 3 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:




    You're pretty good at tip toeing around the subject matter.  Does all that mean you don't believe in the sanctity of women's spaces?  Do you think trans women should be allowed to take the place of women on sports teams?  Or, there are more important issues, and we will get to the less important issues like a girl missing out on a scholarship when it's a more convenient time to deal with that?  


    • Fuck You 3
  4. 7 minutes ago, B00M said:

    So how do you make them simultaneously stop teaching their kids to hate each other?



    You don't.  Only they can choose that.  That's where this is at.  It's not at the "how do you make them" stage anymore.  Eventually the palestinian people will yield.  Eventually they'll choose to peacefully co-exist.  




  5. 17 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    There's a whole bunch of mental gymnastics and convenient blind spots you have to set up for yourself to be pro-Israel as it is



    My mental gymnastics consist of Israel are the good guys, and the terrorists are the bad guys.  



    17 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:


    Palestinians, for the most part, learn to hate Israelis. Israelis, for the most part, are taught to hate Palestinians. It is a subtle but profound difference.



    There aren't any clips/pics/articles of young palestinians being to taught to hate Israelis?  How many instances of kids being taught to hate do you want?  Or, is whatever I might post just going to be the exception that rarely ever actually happens?   




    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. 7 minutes ago, LTbear said:

    I'm asking you because CAIS patients are a case of an XY individual being completely phenotypically female while being completely genetically male, including an internal set of undeveloped tested held within the pelvic cavity much like ovaries typically are. So, sounds like you say those people could compete in women's sports. I agree, but I find that answer surprising coming from you. 



    If cais people are basically female with XY then I don't see why not.  I'm not familiar enough with it to have a concrete opinion.  I don't know about all the variables and what real experts think.  I defer to Doriane Lambelet Coleman.  


    • Fuck You 3
  7. 2 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Everyone sees what you’re doing. You think you’re being clever and smart, but everyone sees the first grade level logical fallacies you’re employing. You’re not smart. 


    You asked for an example and you got one.  There's more just from the last few weeks if you want the links.  



    • Fuck You 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Thatguy said:

    Lol!! You were trying so hard to make a point. However, what are the odds of running into the one person on this board who's kid was recruited by none other than San Jose State and turned them down to go elsewhere? For none other than volleyball. Bwhahahaha!!! I guess my little girl won't be crying over the sport she doesn't get play because of a trans player right? Below are your receipts in case you need them. Lol. You should take this as a sign from God. The Lord truly works in mysterious ways. Sometimes, when you are a bigot, he puts the one person with receipts in your path to tell you to shut the fuck up.

    Also, everyone produces testosterone. Higher than average levels doesn't make you a man. I am sure a lot of pro bball players produce higher levels of T. You are just being an asshole. You should repent.







    Guy this post is incoherent.  What does your girl have to do with the girl that missed out?  Who are Todd Kress and Melissa, and what do they have to do with men in women's sport?




    24 minutes ago, LTbear said:

    1) All women produce testosterone

    2) CAIS patients produce a LOT of testosterone - as much as you or me 

    3) CAIS patients have breasts and a fully functional  vulva

    4) Their cells are genetically XY

    5) See below (warning, noodz)



    Ok, thought I saw something that said they didn't produce test.  What's the point?  I don't know maybe cais people can be in women's sport. 

    I would defer to this lady on that subject:     Doriane Lambelet Coleman  



    • Fuck You 3
  9. 41 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    so how are they going to communicate moving forward ?



    I don't know but this will funnel their comms into certain obvious areas.  Israel watches to see how they react.  Some truly valuable intel comes from what they can learn about how the enemy evolves after this.  When you turn the lights on in a room full of rats, you watch to see where they run to.  There's science in the chaos of scrambling rats.  




  10. On 9/17/2024 at 8:38 AM, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    is there more than 1 example of a dude sneaking into and dominating girls sports in the entire country of 330,000,000 people?  is there even 1? is this all just hypothetical?



    Yes.  Currently San Jose State has a trans player.  A man is playing volleyball against women.  The team is 6-0.  Imagine the girl out there who was denied a scholarship to play the sport she grew up loving, only to be replaced by a man.  Doesn't get to play, doesn't get an education in exchange for her talent and hard work, etc.  That's why the cartoon I posted said "inclusion is exclusion".  When you include a man in women's sports, you exclude a woman. 


    The cartoon







    18 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    “Only one person can say is that person is trans.”

    -calls that person a man or trans half a dozen times in the next paragraph. 

    god you’re a stupid loser. 



    I never said Khelif was trans.  PenelopeWitherspoon implied he was trans.  Did you read my post?  Only the first two sentences of that post mention trans.  



    18 hours ago, LTbear said:

    If someone has complete androgen insensitivity syndrome, is that person male or female? If they were an athlete, in which division should they compete?



    If they are XX presumably in the women's category.  Khelif does not have CAIS because his body produces Test.  



    17 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    Imagine calling a woman born with female reproductive equipment a man, and at the same time being the guy questioning the validity of trans people. But really though, listen to how dumb you sound. First, the article is intentionally inflammatory and deceitful, but I will bite anyway. So a woman has higher testosterone levels. What is your point? We gonna start testing all women for that now or those that just look masculine? What's the criteria? What if someone is .05 over this "standard"? How many female basketball players would get disqualified? 


    Almost every at the Olympic level has some physical trait that a huge part of the reason they are as good as they are. How about we just let them play? 



    Where did I question the validity of trans people?  I don't have a problem with how someone identifies.  Which article is inflammatory and deceitful?  Khelif produces more Test than is allowed for a woman to compete, that's why he undergoes treatment to lower it into the acceptable range (per his camp).  I don't know what the WNBA testing policies are.  Khelif tested XY in 2022 and 23.  That's why he's a man.  If the tests were faked I look forward to hearing about it.  





    • Fuck You 3
  11. 1 hour ago, Thatguy said:

    You think Algeria is a country that is okay with Trans people? You think a country with this stance below is going to put a trans person in the Olympics?


    1 hour ago, Thatguy said:

    A country that would kill you for being trans is going to put forth a trans athlete IN THE FUCKING OLYMPICS? That alone should've given you pause. We pass manly looking women in our daily lives all the time. Other countries have them too.



    The only one who can say if someone is trans is that person.  I never commented on this being a trans issue.  It could be DSD issues but who knows. Even if Khelif is actually a woman, there are plenty of males taking women's places in sport.  In the 2016 Olympics, male runners with DSD took all three medals for the Women's 800.  LINK 

    You think the IBA would fake a test and not worry that subsequent tests by some other organization might reveal their deception?  Maybe they let it slide but didn't ban him until he became good enough to be an actual threat.  Who knows, but that would be unfair to all sides including Khelif.  Both boxers were given the chance to lodge an appeal with CAS (court of arbitration for sport) Khelif did so, but dropped the appeal which made the IBA's decision legally binding.  For some reason Khelif and Lin didn't want any test results released to the public.  They also aren't volunteering for tests to prove that they are women.  Also interesting that the IOC says it uses a person's passport to determine sex.  Khelif's birth certificate used to obtain a passport wasn't issued until 2018.  

    They have known via testing that He was a biological man since spring 2022.  The IOC distanced itself from the IBA, but the World Boxing Organization, who hopes to take over before the 2028 games in LA, says it warned the IOC about males (Khelif) in boxing back in 2022.  Apparently he didn't pass the testing in May of 2022.  Interestingly, Khelif's own people confirmed that he was being treated by a doctor back home to lower his testosterone so that it falls into the acceptable range for that of a woman.  I'm not sure why he would need treatment to lower his T into the women's range.  Even still, it's not his T levels that disqualified him from competing as a woman.  





    • Fuck You 5
  12. 2 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    By "standing up for women's spaces" you mean bullying female boxers on the internet you think are trans but turn out not to be right?



    The only one who can say if someone is trans is that person.  Imane and the boxer from Taiwan were disqualified form the 2023 Women's world championships because they did not pass the required sex tests.  They failed the tests because of the required XX to be able to compete.  Imane and the other gut are XY.  They're men. 



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