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Posts posted by PRONG HORN

  1. 15 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    Didn't know about that, or even the name for it but after reading your post I looked it up and damn, I still do that on occasion.


    The Science Behind Sighing: Breathing Deeply Is A Life-Saving Reflex, Sustains Lung Function. ... “It starts out as a normal breath, but before you exhale, you take a secondbreath on top of it.” During a sigh, the lungs' alveoli, or air sacs, expand, providing us with a sense of relief.Feb


    Or you can just breathe deeply and slowly for 20 minutes a day.  

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  2. 3 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Ha, I need to get w the times.  A buddy had some nice drone footage of old one spitting out fire from exhaust on a run at dusk.  Need to try to find that.  

    We don't need to see you slaying a track like you're a pro.  We just want to see you enjoying the car if you take on track.  

  3. On 7/12/2019 at 9:01 PM, ChiTownDoc said:

    Finally got it.  ALA system is legit.  Color doesn’t show in pics as well.  Perfect for Miami.  Can’t wait to put some miles on it then track it!

     Dash vid required 

  4. 3 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    We moved into a new place about three months ago and are getting to know the neighbors. At a July 4th party I asked one guy what he does for a living and he told me he makes Youtube videos. Turns out my neighbor is the current Cannonball Run world record holder. Super nice guy. 


    Well ... what does he drive?  

  5. On 7/10/2019 at 9:00 AM, MrBig said:

    Initial reports said the grandfather lost his grip while holding the baby outside of the window. Then the family hired an attorney who said he placed the baby on a railing inside the ship to bang on the glass. 


    On 7/10/2019 at 9:08 AM, WhatTheBuck said:

    Yup. Careless grandpa dropped his granddaughter to her death. Now they're trying to cover for him. 


    18 hours ago, MrBig said:

    The family got a powerful cruise ship chasing lawyer who knows how to spin this in the family’s favor.




    The first reports of this to hit the media came from the Puerto Rican Police.  They're basically owned by the cruise company.  




  6. On 6/27/2019 at 5:53 PM, TankedBevo said:

    Besides having a great life insurance policy, I want to gather sage advice from Surlsters who've done it.

    Where to stay? Best places to get drunk off sangria (not on race day, of course)? Sites to visit in and around Pamplona that aren't tourist traps? 


    There's other ways to become a man.  

  7. 33 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Part of the problem is the definition of racist.  There are those that actively pursue an agenda of subjugating people of color.  Then there are those that are racially insensitive, but don't actively wish harm on POC.  There are also those who may indulge subconscious racial stereotypes, but again don't actively wish harm on POC.  All of these can be called "racist."  Particularly on the last one, probably everybody is a little bit racist.



    There's no little bit pregnant, or little bit racist.  We are.  

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