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Posts posted by PRONG HORN

  1. 6 hours ago, Disco Missile said:


    Arya - I think she kills the Mountain, but not Cersei, and she probably hooks up with Gendry although I doubt they get married and move into a castle happily ever after. She's a killer and an adventurer and, if she lives, I don't see her settling down. Also, there's the Faceless Men sideplot and I imagine that plays a role.



    Arya learned her craft for the benefit of serving the many face god.  If she's been killing without sticking to his rules, there may be a debt to settle.  I wonder who comes to collect.

  2. 1 hour ago, achooloco said:

    But once the NK touched warging bran, that gave him “access” and let the NK go wherever bran goes/went. At least according to the 3 eyed raven.

    Then bran goes south of the wall where supposedly someone told Sam (someone, told someone forgot who told who...) that the wall wasn’t just the wall but had magic in it that kept out the white walkers


    Just watched.  Yes, the Night King's mark is on Bran now.  Maybe they're connected like Frodo and Sauron.  I guess Bran also learned what can happen when you mess with the past while you're watching it.  Poor Hodor.  Long before it happened, the truth already was.  I wonder if we will get to see Hodor marching with the dead.  





  3. 51 minutes ago, DoobieWah said:

    You know it's fake, right? Here's another one.


    This is the lulz thread.  Why neuter it’s purpose after only three hours? I think you give posts like that a few days at least.


  4. On 4/5/2019 at 2:52 PM, SwanderedTalent said:

    further to idea that it's hard to believe he's been dead 25 years, at the point Cobain killed himself, it hadn't even been 25 years since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped on the moon


    Cobain's death is closer to Jim Morrison's death than it is to today.  

  5. 3 hours ago, texasdago said:

    2003... last time I went to A-Basin.  Has always been my favorite in CO.  That picture was Memorial Day weekend.

    2004... last time I was at Winter Park. Sister-in-law was getting married in CO and I went skiing on the day of the rehearsal dinner.  I had nothing of value to add and the snow was good so...



    You know what you're probably not interested in at all?  When you get new boots and skis the absolute best thing you could do is start with a lesson.  You would be starting off with new habits and tendencies with this gear, so a lesson on the first day would be a huge investment.  

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  6. Oh shit.  It’s going to be getting weird in here now if people are starting to brag about remote controlled toys.  Those F4s are pretty cool.  How big are they?

  7. I think i'm going to watch the episode where Arya starts training with Syrio Forel.  Ned Stark would not have let her hang out with some dude in a place like Westeros.  He was so fond of saying just how dangerous it was there.  So did Ned know that he came from the house of black and white, and was possibly a faceless man?  Weird that Ned possibly knew and was friends with the faceless Assassins.  I wonder if that episode shows how Ned introduced Arya to Syrio.  

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