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Everything posted by PRONG HORN

  1. I thought for sure that had to be the work of Asians, but it’s a white guy from California.
  2. There’s only one answer. This thread is a battle for 2nd
  3. He’s not talking about just his balls. He’s one of those hairless dudes. You can’t ever go to the gym like that.
  4. Warch these Brits go bat shit at this London show.
  5. Is there something drawing you to Nagano? You could go to island lake lodge for the cost of a Japan trip.
  6. astroworld punks know how to really party
  7. This might as well be a political cartoon. Now we finally know what’s happening at the border. “feelings, nothing more than feelings”
  8. Too late for powder, but the cherry blossoms are late March to mid April. It’s weird for someone to go for a week and not have to boxes to check.
  9. Especially if you are ugly or were picked on in high school.
  10. They should put Bertha in a big room with all the past Bevos. Stuff all the dead Bevos and put monkeys and chupacabras wearing jeans and boots on little saddles flashing the hook em.
  11. I’m still on a 12.5 year old toshiba. Last year a memory stick went bad so it’s only got 2 gigs or ram. It makes grinding noises all the time but was very reliable for 12 years. The only time a computer actually got slower as much as you claim was from catching computer aids from porn. I
  12. That’s why they’re all going to be voting lib. But even the lib tards don’t really care. Helping the environment costs too much. Our money should go to illegal aliens and homeless people.
  13. The only people who want pit bulls are hood tards, white trash automotive upbringing types like tatted up dodge owners, and weird liberal white people who want to “save” a poor marginalized dog. Also guys making up for shortcomings like the ones who buy a Lambo. Pits are kind of like a super car for little dicked poors.


    It would be if they didn’t suck. Kicking your rival when they’re down is fun, but it’s still kicking them when they’re down. Its not like some of Mack’s early loses to them when some pretty solid Texas teams got whipped. This isn’t like that. We just beat up a kid that rides the short bus. That’s all. If they turn their season around then maybe looking back, this might grow into a pretty significant blowout to be remembered. It just doesn’t have that much weight to it yet because of the current state of their program.
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