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Everything posted by PRONG HORN

  1. Hey Zeus laughs at people who are afraid of, and shame sinners. They’re just people. That’s why there is a laughing Jesus tattoo in every damn tattoo shop. It’s from the Middle East. That kind of behavior isn’t a European trait. Euros hated too, but the nutty obsession with (my god is the only way) kind of stuff was brought to Europe from the Mid East, and a lot of American Christians are acting like they should go out and buy a turban to wear to church. Act like your European blood and stop sucking that Mid East dick on your Christian path. He’ll laugh a little less at you.
  2. Well yeah. It’s based on the wisdom and teachings of thousands of years old middle eastern men. That’s who I want to follow. Look at how they turned out. Nobody hates themselves more than the three religions of Abraham. Thanks a lot bro. Chopping off our dickskin might be the best thing that guy ever did.
  3. Dude I’m a salad tossing og. Started in silverthorne Colorado in early 93. Never had any dressing on my salad.
  4. That doesn't happen to normal people.
  5. You can tell they were morons because of the shoes.
  6. Mr. Pagani doesn't really make mistakes in design as far as the whole car goes, but this sure is different. Available in a manual.


    It turned out to be that way, but I don't think Nirvana were making pop on purpose at the time.
  8. It basically comes down to just letting a computer design the car based on aerodynamics. Whatever that result is, combined with German "creativity" is the car you get.
  9. If there's grass on the field, play ball?
  10. Sure that’s also what I meant. It’s not just gay dudes. Lots of straight guys bone little boys in some cultures. Like catholic priests. Those dudes aren’t gay in lots of cases.
  11. I guess Rome had a tradition of child rape before the Christians got there. Hmmm that’s a terrible breeding ground of child rape culture that’s been fermenting in Italy for the last few thousands of years. I wonder if the rest of Europe shared the same rape traditions as Italy?
  12. I've always wondered if Christianity had a big part in bringing pedos to Europe, or if it was just as prevalent there already. Also if there is child rape tradition history here in the Americas. Did the Native Americans like to bone kids? Also, did the rape traditions of the middle east make it to China, Japan, other Asian cultures? I guess there's Thailand, but maybe Islam took it to that part of the world. Or it could be a more modern evolution. As far as I know child rape is mostly Middle Eastern and European in it's origins. I don't know of any other history or tradition surrounding it in other cultures. Is it ubiquitous world wide?
  13. Everybody freaks out about your average slimy pedo, but when it's the church (Catholic, Baptist, etc.) people tend to temper the anger in their responses.
  14. It looks like they're casting people based in part on height. I'm not sure it's a coincidence.
  15. How do you know this line if you've only been registered here a few weeks?
  16. This model has an already established prototype. Here Probably not the first, but one of the type models for this subspecies.
  17. Much straighter than those other three. Don't worry about it Kyle, you're name isn't that gay.
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