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Posts posted by PRONG HORN

  1. 7 hours ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    Our peaks just got dusted...fall is here.

    this may be the year I take an avalanche course and do backcountry. A buddy just bought a cabin 40 minutes from town with epic backcountry access.


    Sometime after your "avalanche expert" class, a lodge vaca using one of their guides is a good way to learn. 


         ---------->       Here is our list of Backcountry Lodge adventure options:




  2. 3 hours ago, F250 said:

    It's a disagreement between Protestants and Catholics/Orthodox.  Luther rejected the established biblical canon as well as the Church's authority to establish the canon.  Basically it was a way of claiming independence from the Catholic church.


    So Protestants are followers of some dude and his version of what he thinks the truth is?  So they're just like the Catholics then I guess.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, elfenix said:

    probably because educated people wrote greek.  see, e.g. septuagint.  originals are long gone.  probably burned down or plundered.  that used to happen back in the days when there were few copies of anything.  a single copy in a secure location is not a backup! (i.e., hide copies of your ex's boobs everywhere).  attributions are matthew, mark, luke, john.  Q source says hi. 

    Weren't they translated into Greek from ancient Aramaic and Hebrew?  

  4. 3 hours ago, Assman said:

    I saw a brand new McLaren 570/600/620 (who knows, they all look the same) going 10 mph down Lemmon with it's hazards on a couple days ago.  Poor guy barely made it off the dealership lot before getting a hard dose of that British reliability. 


    They're the Longhorn football of supercars.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Tom said:

    I'm hard-pressed to believe Kurt thought, "Damn, I just turned 27. I know I'm one of the most famous musicians on Earth, rich, and have a baby daughter I'd be leaving behind, but I guess I'd better get on with it and kill myself so I can be a part of some celebrity death club that only 1% of the general population knows or cares about."

    Nobody who is famous enough to get in is going to kill themselves to be in that club.

    He was a depressed, suicidal drug addict for years who finally lost that battle. Losing it at 27 wasn't a decision.  It counts.


    The point is that the club is exclusive.  We don't get to say who is in or out. We defer membership acceptance to the universe.  God/Universe or whatever it is that chose so many special musicians is the only, and last word on admission.  Even if he didn't do it to get in the club, that doesn't change the fact that the universe wasn't allowed to chose it.  That is the number one criteria.  That for him to be in, it must be because the universe chose him, and it didn't. 


  6. 1 hour ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Heroin overdoses are basically suicide.  I don't see how Kurt getting efficient with a shotgun puts him in a different category.


    Because there is not a certainty with a Heroin OD.  I would think most of those are just people looking for their next fix.  Letting Kurt in just opens the door for any yahoo that wants to join.  Only the universe decides.  

  7. On 8/18/2020 at 10:10 AM, Al_4_ISU said:

    Is this really something that isn't a universally held opinion?

    So you think he's in the club?  It's not a musical accomplishment club.  It's not about sold records or popular videos.  It's just a club artists that the universe  took at a certain age.  It's not a club for those who decided when they could go.  You don't get to join the club on purpose.  Kurt is not a member.  

  8. 2 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:




    Wow I googled and found out that this trans woman is "winning championships".  How could she even begin to believe that taking the victory from a rightful winner was the right thing to do?  As if women didn't have it bad enough there is some interloper making a joke of their competition.  In a weird way this is just men continuing to fuck over women.

    (link ) lots of good propaganda here



    yeah ok dude ...





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