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Everything posted by Giggles

  1. good job fellas! Very enjoyable.
  2. I for one would gladly take him given the overall makeup of the staff. My impression so far is 1) we did not get our first choice on head coach 2) cdc - nice moves behind the scenes on processes and release of news while we came up with someone who did not tarnish the program, involved in a death, was not a repeat of our past mistakes with “ upcoming “ coaches n loyal support staff. I like Sark better than UM for those reasons even before the support staff. There is such a thing as a Pyrrhic victory... 3) we missed on Muchamp. So what! I love him 2 but look at this supporting cast n how long Boom has been away 4). As a prior caller has mentioned, all candidates are flawed n not Surly perfect. With this support staff, I know the DC has signed off. Its CDC n Sark. Just be a good communicator. FYI- I will take the whole AL staff on OC n DC. so excited to see what happens next year. We’re getting everybody in recruiting. Thanks for the QBs and W vs GA Herman!
  3. Nothing to embarrassed about. They just try to fall in the right direction as Su stormed by
  4. Vance Bedfed for $300 Bob. Bob?
  5. So DT DE and LB coaches left? In a 3-3-5?
  6. If all offense from AL, then Wiggins should be the next confirmation. Assuming they have perfectly controlled timing
  7. For offense staff, all Alabama except for RB coach? So little noise. Makes a case for DC too
  8. Just saw an Espn clip that coach boom “energy” would be a good balance to zen Sark. Also boom knows locations of some pitfalls in Austin that could help Sark. Not a bad combo
  9. He is so tuned in. I especially like his stories. Very relatable bad arse that needs to retire
  10. I’ve heard nothing about Applewhite changing jobs again
  11. a little pick me up for a slow night
  12. Please! The brunette so many times over. Likely go blind tonight
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