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Everything posted by TheFlyingBoat

  1. Time to pump it up to 50k. And after that why not 100k? Stonks only go up.
  2. No crazy president causing individual stocks to go down with a random tweet? No crazy president sending the entire market down with tweets? And a senate to block any tax hikes on themselves? Wall Street must be orgasming right now. Can't think of a combo that would make them happier than Moderate Dem Prez + Republican Senate.
  3. If you're going to talk shit at least get your numbers right. They had it at +8 not double digits. They were wrong and they should not have been as wrong as they were but they weren't as wrong as some people in this thread are trying to argue they were.
  4. You're speaking very confidently considering that of the remaining ballots we can reasonably expect them to break 60-40 Biden. In Michigan and Pennsylvania we can likely expect it to break 66-33. In Georgia, we're basically just waiting on Atlanta. Expect the score to run up a little more in Biden's favor in the meantime. Wisconsin has already flipped.
  5. Learning to do it yourself is priceless. There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Mastercard?
  6. Yeah this moronic coach-speak, trite, cliche, nonsense is fucking stupid. "Not tolerating mediocrity" isn't an action plan for success nor is it what has made OU so successful. Getting the right coaching hire is a combination of luck, proper research, and timing/circumstances, some of which may beyond any individual's or team's control. Now we've managed to fuck up the proper research bit, our circumstances that we do control we've fucked completely due to terrible athletics leadership from 2009-2018 (jury's still out on CDC), and there's only so much luck can do at that point. That being said it's important to consider the fact that flukes of history completely change the perception of reality. Imagine how different we'd consider our respective histories of Akers turned one or two one loss seasons into a undefeated season. He was tantalizingly close a bunch of times. If you played each of those losses which were the only loss in the season how many of those losses would turn out to be Longhorn wins in a majority of a hundred trials? What if Big Game Bob pulled his Big Game Bobbiness in his only title? How many coaches in both team's histories should have been obvious successes but turned into abject failures? Schnellenberger seemed like an obvious success given how he took Miami from an almost canceled program to a title. He resigned in a year. That's an obvious example but if you look through the history of most teams you'll find inexplicable failures and successes. Shit is fucked, but you completely misunderstand the issues we're facing if you think not "not tolerating mediocrity" is the issue and is what separates OU from us. What causes OU's success is so much more complicated than that and what causes our current failures is also more complex than that.
  7. Imagine being scared about the uniform being candied up and freaking out about here only to find out they un-candied it up and have us the best uniform we've had in 50 years. Clean whites now and hopefully clean burnt oranges (please get the color right) soon. Yes, please. Hook 'em 🤘🏽
  8. If you can't tell the problem is our line and not our RB room (besides Ingram fumbling) you should really learn football.
  9. This is why you always use draft day value for keepers. If someone drops in value relative value and would be overpriced JUST DON'T KEEP THEM. Problem fucking solved. A system that lets you get Saquon Barkley for $6 after people drafted him for $68 or whatever it may be is fucking dumb for such obvious reasons.The point is to give value to prescient drafting and acquisitions.
  10. Have you ever considered they're full of shit here and repeating coach speak cliches doesn't make them smart? I actually think they occasionally have good takes but this is just inaccurate.
  11. Jerrod Heard could have been great if he had Herman coaching him imo. Instead he had Shawn Watson tell him what to do freshman year?
  12. Very, but on the plus side we have held them to nothing on the ground.
  13. Eh being impartial you don't ever see any player with clear control at any point on review. It looks like the one UTEP guy catches it out of the air, but you then see him lose the ball and the other UTEP guy seems to get it but you can't tell for sure. In the end Liebrock has it. All that can be said for sure.
  14. Stupid fumble but love the physicality of Liebrock
  15. Man had we just ended this on the 1st like I think was originally planned I come out looking like a genius 😂
  16. Never until now. Holy shit. His defense attorney had represented one of the other prime suspects, one who the evidenced pointed to more than Kelley, but the defense attorney ignores possibly due to what appears to be a prior defense attorney client relationship. The police ignore all other evidence to the contrary. Dude got fucked every step of the way.
  17. That's why I wanted options. My lulu options are printing in real life but I can't trade options in a world where I can play with make believe money and infinite risk tolerance? I must be taking crazy pills
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