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Everything posted by TheFlyingBoat

  1. The Dems don't have an equivalent to ALEC. That's factually accurate. Every few years someone tries to make one and it dies within five years. Term limits don't solve corruption. They don't improve representation. It's a good fucking bumper sticker policy and that's it unless you have some good arguments to the contrary.
  2. Take a moving average to smooth out bumps and you'll see a pretty damn clear trend. The far right graph is daily new deaths from April 1st to July 11.
  3. Term limits aren't the answer because people staying in office too long isn't the primary issue. McCain, the old man he was, was far from the worst Republican in office. Patrick Leahy is far from the worst Democrat. Most of the crazies are relatively new and they are the ones who made disease control, basic national security, basic criminal justice, accountability, etc. and so much more political issues. I won't go too much into the politics side of it because this isn't the CR, but term limits won't solve it and will probably just give us a Republican Congress that is just made of Representatives and Senators that do whatever ALEC tells them too and a Democratic Congress that goes the way off whatever their equivalent is (they don't have one yet, but presumably a powerful one would finally stick the moment term limits passed). Truth be told the issue is more with the voters than anything else and this pandemic really opened my eyes to that fact. We really do have politicians that represent most Americans.
  4. Look at Texas, AZ, FL death numbers. They're exponentially increasing. This is fucking simple reading comprehension you lack.
  5. Mate do you understand how exponential work? Fucking hell man. Everyone who ever said case/death numbers are only x therefore it won't get to y level while staring at an exponential should be forced to retake algebra 2.
  6. No clue who this twitter guy is, but I do know anyone who believed this to be true for a second is a complete moron. California over the past five years has never had more suicides than 4500 with the range being between roughly 4000 on the low end and 4500 on the high end. If you believe that California somehow had roughly double the normal suicides in the two months between when lockdowns began (mid March) and when the article was written (mid May) as happen in a whole year, you're a special breed of moron. That is true of the writer of this article. That is true of the person who shared the article on Twitter (if you listen to someone this non-credible (based mostly on sharing this article unironically) I also have to question your intelligence for that alone). And that is true for you because you unironically shared the article here as though this was some brilliant own of epidemiologists and proof that morons on Facebook that believe in chemtrails and try to sell us on MLM shit (that we haven't unfriended for some reason) are the true geniuses. Nah, give me the epidemiologists over Randy from Vector and Karen from Mary Kay who both failed regular Biology and Chemistry and shitty articles from the Washington Examiner. Tl;dr: You're a moron, this twitter dude is a moron, the writer is a moron, anyone else who believed it is a moron, and people really need to pay attention in Bio/Chem more or at the very least trust the people that did.
  7. Nationwide drops in deaths is largely explained by the drops in deaths in NYC/NJ/elsewhere in NE overwhelming the rise of deaths in Texas/Florida/Arizona. Similar things were true two weeks ago when the drops in NYC/NJ/rest of NE became overwhelmed by the rise in cases/hospitalizations in TX/FL/AZ. At the time people talked about how the low deaths relative to cases were just a sign of how well prepared Texas and Florida were as if that was the reason and not just that deaths lag cases. The graph I was talking about was the Texas one which is straight up exponentially increasing. It is further worrying since as we know deaths lag hospitalizations/cases which lag behavioral changes. Abbott's orders hopefully did some good, but my fear is it's too little too late to prevent thousands of needless deaths. With the increase in daily new cases showing no sign of abatement, the number of hospitalizations following an exponential curve for about a month now, and deaths following an exponential curve for about to weeks suggests to me the number of deaths per day will continue to increase in number significantly between now and the end of July/start of August where best case we see a peak. Worst case it continues into August and we see death tolls increase dramatically.
  8. I'm not good at math (jk graduated in ECE) but that daily deaths graph seems very scary. It also directly counters all of the stupid bleating that we got it under control because deaths are down as if deaths weren't a lagging indicator of cases which itself is a lagging indicator of behavior. Fuck stupid people.
  9. Someone told him that if you order masks now there is a chance (still only a small chance because of how bad leadership at both the federal and state level have fucked up) of having college football.
  10. This x 1000. I have no clue when other Americans started using American exceptionalism to justify failure instead of glorifying success. What the fuck has happened here? No other country is exactly like ours so it's OK for us to fail miserably while every other developed country has handled it better than ours and plenty of developing countries where 20 bucks a day in salary is considered pretty damn good somehow handled it better than we did. How is it not a sign of a catastrophic failure in everyone's eyes here that we have basically been embarrassing ourselves consistently on this issue? How is "we're different" a valid excuse in your eyes? How is it an excuse for every other failure? American exceptionalism is supposed to be the reason we're better than everywhere else. More freedom of speech (meaning the government doesn't come after you, very weak slander/libel protections, etc.), better science (more Nobel Prizes, HiCi papers, etc.), better universities (more top 10, 50, 100 universities in the world), cultural center of the world (Hollywood, blue jeans, music, etc.), innovation center of the world, space center of the world, best governmental institutions in the world (you may scoff, but until now CDC and NIH were viewed as unparalleled by the rest of the world before this, the Fed was viewed as the most powerful and effective central bank, NASA is NASA, etc.), etc. and now somehow we went from winning WWI, WWII, the Cold War, beating Japan economically when we thought they may overtake us, to where we are today. How is anyone here pretending this isn't a gigantic, catastrophic failure and acting as thought it was always some fait accompli?
  11. This x 1million. So far I've made brisket mi goreng, brisket tacos, brisket breakfast tacos, brisket scrambles, brisket potato salad, brisket nachos, brisket grilled cheese (or melts for any pedants out there), brisket (both cold cuts and toasted) on toasted ciabatta or brioche with various aiolis (adding things like shishito peppers, banana peppers, and other chilis work wonders), brisket quesadillas, and brisket fried rice. And yes adding brisket in front of every dish was absolutely necessary be causing adding brisket it a dish makes it new and better than it did before it had brisket and it deserves that oomph in the name. God bless brisket leftovers.
  12. Don't get let facts get in the way of what you think must be true. https://www.nber.org/papers/w27408.pdf
  13. Would be a great get. Being beat in the depth chart under Jeudy, Ruggs, Smith, and Waddle isn't that bad of a knock and dude has ridiculous numbers. Graduated fast which means he ain't stupid at least and has good work ethic. We have him for two years. Could be a solid depth piece worst case and a potential contender for a starting role likely. Best case we see what the #88 prospect in the country from three years ago is supposed to look like after three years of S&C at Bama and a few months of training with our guys this year and a whole 'nother year for next year.
  14. Honestly at this point I assume if there is any dispute regarding use of force by a cop the cop lied at this point. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice on me, fool me however many times in the past 10 years or so we've had a video prove the cops lied, won't get fooled again.
  15. Liquid smoke dipshit. Thats the key. And you got to make sure to rub it into the chicken real good, because real texas bbq is chicken with liquid smoke and sweet baby rays.
  16. Tom Herman clearly just needs to print more croots
  17. Oh baby be styled on that kid. I wonder how highly that CB is ranked. Oh he's 5'9 165 and unranked? Furk...
  18. I have the Saatva and I like it quite a bit. I had the Nectar for a year and swapped it out. It was fine, but the Saatva is nicer.
  19. I respect the hell out of this decision
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