This. Making a good steak is fucking easy and you can source a better steak from elsewhere for cheaper than you'll get it at the restaurant because you don't need to pay for their rent, wages, and other miscellaneous fees. When I want to treat myself I go order a steak from Pacific Rogue Wagyu, pay $50 for a steak that is higher quality than any 16 oz steak you'll get from a steakhouse for under $80-100 after tax and tip and can prep it how I want and cook it how I want so that when all is said and done I am way happier with the end result than I would be at a steakhouse. The one exception is if they have foie gras, some amazing dessert, or some truly out of this world apps/sides.
And when I say amazing, I mean like some creme de la creme type shit that could convince an atheist that such good shit would be impossible to find if God weren't real. Like I can make some great desserts myself, but that takes way more effort than just making a steak so I am willing to a pay a great pastry chef to do that for me. Sides are easier but still harder than steak, so hey if they got something better than I could ever hope to do I'll pay the dude to do it for me. But for steak? C'mon, that shit is easy.