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Everything posted by RockwallJim

  1. Hard to not have choppy replies when A. debating single handedly vs many guys, taking it from many angles (calm down any boy lovers, don't get too aroused by that statement) B. Debating many topics at once (one guy tried to take the position a poisonous gas wasn't a chemical weapon, 1 claimed government corruption by donors just began 6 weeks ago, 1 said red states receive more money than blue states - while also complaining that the red state voters are voting against that, so I was confused by his anger at the red state voters voting AGAINST that inequity). You try debating 4+ people on 4+ topics at once and have the responses not come across as 'choppy' So anybody who disagrees with your views is 'schticky'? Only folks who agree with your views are 'non-schticky'?
  2. I might be dumb, but my point is things aren't as cut and dry as the creator of that map / post would want you to believe.
  3. Ana, glad you're here. I've been running circles around these guys for a couple of hours. How do I know? The personal insults, d--k jokes, spelling / grammar and hyperbole laced responses came flooding in. Heck, I had 1 guy tell me the Corporations didn't pull the strings of the Bush Administration on the Iraq War, another say Halliburton didn't profit because they were an energy company and not a defense contractor and Elon's conduct (while silly, theatrical, and sometimes counter productive) the last 6 weeks is worse than lying to start a war, killing AT least 200,000 Iraqis, 4,000 US Troops and costing the American Tax Payer over $1.1T. There are no words for folks who see the world through that lens. (thought about misspelling it lense just to get the spell check police riled up). I know one thing Ana, these folks (irrationally) hate Donald Trump. Just like he said Tuesday, there is nothing he can do to make the crew here happy.
  4. Y'all enjoy your irrational, media fueled Trump Hate. Off to bed, I'll be back for more tomorrow. I do have a confession to make, I find everybody's TDS here wildly entertaining. I hope to come back and see more later.
  5. Got it. I'm stupid because I don't just agree with the venom and anger of the masses....wait, I stand corrected you are exactly right. We must all allow anger and recency bias to mould our view of the world. And don't forget to shout down and insult folks who see things differently
  6. nope. while i don't like it, I just assume the friends and family off all high level government officials will influence peddle. Wish is wasn't the case, but not something I give much thought or energy to.
  7. Sorry, don't care about him
  8. It's much worse than what is happening today. Sorry, to break it to you. I don't care at all about Hunter Biden. Why would I?
  9. You want a domestic example of string pulling? How about the 2008 - 2009 recession. Wall Street and the Banks pulled Obama's strings to not only forgo prosecution but also fund their bailout while allowing over 3.5 Million Americans to suffer foreclosure. Has Elon / Trump done anything worse than foreclosing on 3.5 American homes and covering the debts of those that caused it?
  10. Umm. Halliburton made $7B from the Iraq Contract and Dick Chaney was Chairman of Halliburton... If you don't call that sting pulling, I don't know what to tell you. Is your position that the War in Iraq was just and not influenced by the Contractors that profited from it?
  11. It's not the same...it's worse. Elon didn't invade another country and kill hundreds of thousands of people and cost the US taxpayers trillions. Bush, Chaney, Halliburton & Raytheon did. Want me to give another string pulling example worse than Elon / Trump? I can do this all day.
  12. if it's not a weapon, then why is the use of chemical gas labeled chemical warfare?
  13. I just did defend it. I was asked for an example of a corporation pulling a presidents strings before Elon / Trump. So I gave Halliburton and other Contractors to start the Iraq War. You want another example? I can do this all night.
  14. how is it not the same thing? You don't think Halliburton and the other Defense Contractors didn't pull Bush and Chaney's strings to start the war?
  15. Again, tax cuts help grow a government? Let's make an analogy here, if you were trying to grow a business, would you want revenues to increase or decrease to grow the power and influence of your business?
  16. Umm, can we go with Halliburton pushing and profiting from the Iraq War? Is that bigger than what Elon has done?
  17. No, not a bit. Would you agree or disagree corporate interested long ago bought our government?
  18. umm a poisonous gas would be classified as a weapon. Would it not? You're reaching here for a reason to demonize me, it's a lazy ad hominem strategy.
  19. If you say so. I agree that Elon has been louder and more public than any prior donor, but for the amount of string pulling on our government, no difference.
  20. Got it. If you think Donor influence has grown to unseen levels in the last 6 weeks alone, relative to the prior 100+ years of American History, we are just going to have to agree to disagree. I view this administration as the same level of corrupt as all the prior..no more, no less.
  21. You wouldn't call it a weapon? What definition would you use?
  22. Is it possible that you hold such a strong hatred for the current administration that your judgement is clouded? yes, ask a direct question I'll give a direct answer.
  23. Nope, I'm not relying on whataboutism. You're claiming there has been some seismic shift in the last 6 weeks of donor influence..My position is that there has not. My position is that the donors to our government at the highest levels have all received sweetheart deals. It seems your position is that this is a new occurrence that started 6 weeks ago
  24. if that was the case, why did the majority of voters vote for him?
  25. So he's trying to grow the government? Didn't he pass all those evil tax cuts in his last administration? So he was trying to grow the government by reducing their inbound revenue? Interesting tactic.
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