Ana, glad you're here. I've been running circles around these guys for a couple of hours. How do I know? The personal insults, d--k jokes, spelling / grammar and hyperbole laced responses came flooding in. Heck, I had 1 guy tell me the Corporations didn't pull the strings of the Bush Administration on the Iraq War, another say Halliburton didn't profit because they were an energy company and not a defense contractor and Elon's conduct (while silly, theatrical, and sometimes counter productive) the last 6 weeks is worse than lying to start a war, killing AT least 200,000 Iraqis, 4,000 US Troops and costing the American Tax Payer over $1.1T. There are no words for folks who see the world through that lens. (thought about misspelling it lense just to get the spell check police riled up).
I know one thing Ana, these folks (irrationally) hate Donald Trump. Just like he said Tuesday, there is nothing he can do to make the crew here happy.