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Everything posted by RockwallJim

  1. and you're under the impression that just in the last 6 weeks our government has started handing out sweetheart deals to their donors? Interesting perspective.
  2. I think if you live in America he's your leader too. And are you under the impression that every President since the beginning of this country hasn't picked favorites within industries? Ah, so he's trying to shrink the government so he can then lead a reduced government.. Yup, that's what Dictators do..strive to lead a reduced government with less functions, smaller budgets, etc.
  3. I think the test isn't for either of us to pick an historical fascist state, of which they were many. I think the more relevant task would be to actually defend the labeling of the current administration as fascist. It seems like a reductive labeling...one used by somebody who's angry and not sure what else to call them to convey their anger?
  4. All i know is what I read here. which has so far been just an overwhelming venom based towards republican voters (who most here label as stupid) and a labeling of the current administration as fascist even though they aren't particularly doing text book fascist things.
  5. So your best example of a fascist government supporting the expansion of private industry is the purchasing of a weapon 80 years ago?
  6. Which reality am I ignoring? Or is the cost of validation here screaming about Trump like your hair is on fire 24/7? I've learned folks here suffer from a strong group think so far.
  7. I'm pretty sure my positions, questions and arguments have all been serious. Unless of course by serious you mean somebody that just doesn't agree with you?
  8. I found asking questions is the best way to learn. wouldn't you agree? very intelligent response.
  9. I'm not a c-ck at all. I haven't used foul language or name called. It's obvious though the majority of folks here don't want to hear different perspectives.. They just want an echo chamber,
  10. Got it. I know it's always been well known that Dictators like to outsource things to private corporations. They also like to cede decisions to lower governmental levels too right?
  11. Ah, so anybody who questions you to think about, or re-evaluate a position of yours should f--k off? Very intelligent
  12. that hurts my feelings.
  13. Fascists believe in private industry? Interesting..so in your world, fascists believe in outsourcing government functions? Can you name any examples of that in history?
  14. There are also Muslims in the US military ranks. would it be appropriate to say the US military is build on a foundation of Islam?
  15. ah, the spell check police. Always the most convincing person in the room.
  16. So you don't want to hear opposing view points huh? Always the sign of an enlightened person...keep that bubble nice and thick
  17. It just seems to me like you are trying to construct a justification for your biases and you're trying to assume some moral high ground over your fellow citizens.
  18. I am not. It's just funny that you tie Christianity to Nazism, when it was the Nazi party itself that tried to discourage organized religion. Seems like a stretch to me to tie to 2 together.
  19. Got it. and who is bitching? I always thought voter satisfaction and the 'loyalty of his base' was the strength of Donald Trump, is it not?
  20. Got it. And do fascists usually try to shrink the government, it's budget and it's global influence?
  21. interesting. I always thought Nazism pushed away organized religion because they wanted to be the moral leader for their constituents...didn't want the influence of any 'authority' higher than the reich . Am I remembering it wrong?
  22. got it. so you are smarter than people who vote differently than you? You have it all figured out and if votes don't vote the way you do, it's because they've been duped and don't understand?
  23. got it, so you would root against, or relish in the pain of your fellow countrymen because they didn't vote the way you wanted them to?
  24. so wait, in your mind these people both want these things yet are voting against these things at the same time? Why would they do that?
  25. So you do respect their desire to reject government hand outs? I'm really confused why you would demonize somebody who doesn't want to take government assistance?
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